Thursday, December 10, 2009

Abortion..yes or no?

are you for abortion? yes or no?

Abortion..yes or no?regal theater

i am absolutely against it i dont care what everyone says it is murder that is your offspring and you just took its life. people use it as birth control which is wrong. there is no way that i would ever kill something growing inside of me. i dont care if i got raped and got pregnant cause guess what everything happens for a reason. i am not saying that rape is a good thing or i encourage it but if a child comes from it then it comes from it. even if my life is in danger and the baby will live i will take the chance but if both my life and the babys life is in danger and there is not a way either of us will make it through it then that is my ONLY exception. its murder i dont care what anyone says. Women that are able to have kids take life for granite there are people that want kids and cant have them they look at us the ones that can have kids like we just throw miracles away. kids that have abortions because it not in their "plan" you know what **** that because you made the choice to have sex whether you used a condom on BC whatever you still made the choice now own up to it. Babies are miracles NOT mistakes.

Abortion..yes or no?performing art center opera theaterHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL NO IM NOT FOR ABORTION WHAT ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING! Report It

It's the woman's right to choose.

It seems so easy for those who have never walked a mile in the shoes of those who have had to make such a decision to pass judgment...
MURDERERS!!!!!!!!! You know this is even worse then killing an older person. This loving child has not even too ken their first breath and you already take their life away! IT is sick and if you had an abortion be ready to go to hell because it is killing even if you try to calm yourself down and say its not. Well you can't escape reality and it is. If you don't want an abortion, keep it in your pants or don't spread your legs.
I'm for it most of the time, the only way I am against it is if it's your only form of birth control and your having them every few months then that's a problem. Abortion is OKAY in most cases . And no it IS NOT murder.
It's a woman's choice.

I don't think that anyone is actually for abortion - in a perfect world abortions would not be needed. But I am definitely a supporter and for the right of women to choose.
Are you for murder? Yes or no?

No. I am not.
no no no
i think it should be the womans choice to decide. it depends on the individual situation. in some cases i would be for it and some against it.
I'm definitely against abortion. Children are a gift from God and ending their lives is the same as murder. If we're not free to choose murder without there being consequences abortion shouldn't be different.

Plus, if you think you're ready to have sex then you should be ready to deal with the consequences.
It should be the women's choice. I believe life begins at the moment of conception, therefore, I say NO.

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