Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why did my boyfriend say another womens name?

i was kissing my boyfriend recently in bed and he always tells me he loves me but this time he said i love u louise instead of i love u lisa. I am his first girlfriend and hes also got my tattoo on his body and asked me to marry him 3 days before he said it obv i said yes. But now im not sure what to do. He said he doesnt know why he said it and i said it didnt matter.

But deep down i am really hurt and confused. I really love him but obv he cant of been thinking about me to say something like that can he? I am starting to wonder if hes maybe cheating?

Why would your boyfriend say another womens name? Please help

Why did my boyfriend say another womens name?home theatre

He was apparently thinking about her......

Why did my boyfriend say another womens name?ballet theater opera theater

he maybe was talking too someone earlier in day or week of that name and has been thinking of there conversation.dont read too much into it he wouldnt commit too marrying you if he didnt love you.
ask him
How do you know that you are his first girlfriend ??? That's kind of weird to happen if you are his "first girlfriend." Whom did he have sexual experiences with before you ? That would have caused him to say that ?

And, how long have you two been dating for him to ask you to marry him ? If you are a teenager, how old is the guy ? Just because he has your name tattoo'ed on him doesn't mean anything, by the way.

If you don't have any other reasons to be concerned, just know that It happens to everyone, you shouldn't sweat it. I hear that it happens and it just means the brain is on "that track" of love, companionship and happiness. A person can lose their head. Don't let it hurt you.
He's cheating-sorry!!!
this Louise was certainly on his mind,he may or may not have had an affair with her,but i can assure you when in the arms of another woman this should never happen,be wary
I've done that before. We were in a club for her birthday. I said the name of my gfs best friend's name. I certainy was not thinking of her friened at the time.

I have no idea why I said it.

I have a theory though. For some reason myself, my gf and all her friends aways used her name. Allways. All the time. I dont know why but everyone put her name at the beginning of a sentance when addressing her. Her name was at the front of my head as she was in the room at the time and I suspect that why I said "I love you katie"
I say, let it go. He's a good guy and he's not cheating. He loves you not Louise.

But, seriously, he's probably screwing around. He should stick to "babe" this and "babe" that and he wouldn't be in trouble.

Say my name, say my name.
**** .........
Oh dear. What a difficult situation for you. It may have been a genuine mistake but it seems fairly unlikely. You are going to have to sit him down and get to the bottom of this, you can't marry him with all this uncertainty in the back of your mind, and it would be very unfair of him to expect you to. He is going to have to come clean and tell the truth. If he is totally honest with you this may be something you can work through together. There may be a very simple and innocent explanation. I hope that is the case. Good luck, I hope it works out for you.
the names are similar, but this has yet to happen to me and my BF of three and half years had quiet a few gf in the past...

It's really hard to answer this because every situation is different... if you can take some time off (don't break up or break the engagement) to think things through without him being around... see what your insticts tell you and observe and digest his behavior... a little time apart can help you make better decisions in my opinion...

What ever you do DO NOT marry him if you have doubt about his loyalty to you... take you time...
Dam, dats fked up. Gurl, you should have have told him how u felt....... and **** maybe he is cheating, find out.......... if u say dat ur his first gf y on earth would he say another name?? i mean if he has you tatted on his body y would he forget?? hello something is really wrong, wats really goin on??good luck
That is definantly NOT acceptable! I would be freaking out on my husband if he said another womans name. There is no good reason in my opinion. If he's not thinking about you when you guys are intimate, then there is no point on moving foward. Let him cuddle with louise.
you need to follow him when he goes out to see what he is doing that my answer your question if not you need to call the show cheaters they will find out if her is cheating or hire a private detective
he is either cheating or getting ready to,find out if it's a co-worker
lisa and louise are quite similar... are you sure you didnt just hear wrong? does he know a louise?
Well sometimes you're thinking of one thing while you're saying another so that could be it.
he,s laying your mate aswell nothing wrong with share wot you got
he's eating banana on both side. marry one and love another
well he said other girls name while kissing with u

ohhhh it's quite ammm.... confusing

may be he was thinking of that girl or had any fight or quarrels or anything happy with her

that's all i can think do not keep this thing by yourself i think u should speak about this with him and try to solve it. It's could be quite serious as u have accepted his marriage proposal.
Louise? Did he date a Louise? Does he know a Louise? If not...maybe he just said your name wrong! It just seems weird that he would be interested in a LOUISE of all names!

I was a dating a guy once and we were talking on the phone late late at night and I was falling asleep but he was talking sexy to me and I said "oh my god jim." The problem was...his name wasn't Jim! It was Tony! Jim was an ex boyfriend of mine. I wasn't still dating him or anything and I'm not exactly sure why I said it, but needless to say, it didn't go over well. All I'm saying was that it actually was innocent and I have nooooo idea why I said Jim when I was all wrapped up in Tony. So if he tattooed your name on his body and asked you to marry him, I'd say its probably a safe bet unless this Louise person comes up again! Good Luck!
Hi Lisa 21

It doesn't really matter, he was with you. Make sure he wants to stay in your bed . Don't make an issue out of it.

I find it best not to chase after a man, they want you more if you are cool. ( I don't mean cool in terms of love).

Hell, the names are similar and you don't seem to have any other reason to suspect him.

Look, if he was with someone else, he'd be cleverer than that!

Best wishes, Cassandra
well does he have a sister/aunt called louise or maybe his mum is called louise or maybe you heard him wrong and he actually said lisa, check his phone and e-mails xXx
best find out if he knows a "louise" first!...(without him knowing your on to him) if there is start to worry goodluck x
mabey he was thinking of someone else?

did you ask him if he was just joking?

mabey hes having an affair?

you should ask him if he is having an affair,and if he says something like im not even going to answer that question or that question dosent deserves an answer,

but if he asks you why you have brought this up sisrtuation up carmly and asks you why you think he is he isnt having an affair.
He may have said I love you, YOU IS the one for me. Were you sitting on his head and muffling him?
he is so much in love with her and i bet u, love is running through his veins ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmhh
this guy has only dated u and yet u r gonna marry him reality check here he either has a bit on the side or is thinking of its a bit wierd how he cam out with louise what did he say why he said it. think about it do u really want to marry a guy who has never been out with anyone else he will be curious about other women already and u no what curiousity did to the cat....damn i loved that cat
easy mistake i always confuse those names.... no really could be a lot more to it
he might have met a woman named Louise and he might have been fantasizing about her while he was kissing you. it happens a lot with men who are engaged or married. that is a very big commitment, so i guess their subconcious is trying to have a little last time fun with another woman. even if it doesnt happend for real. i know its hard to do, but try not to take it so personal. its very normal and common even among women. i mean your planning to spend the rest of your life with this guy, that's what marriage is all about, so dont be surprised if you see a hot guy and start fantazising about him. that doesnt mean that you are going to cheat on your boyfriend with him. keep in mind that if he really loves you and cares about you, that name Louise, will always remain a fantasy. if your still wondering if he could be cheating, signs of that might be that he starts treating you differently, and his kisses arent the same anymore. but dont get too spooked, chances are its all in his mind and nothing more. he'll forget about her soon. if it'll make you feel better you should go ahead and talk to him, in a calm way, expressing your feelings about the situation. he will be able to give you reassurance, which is what you need. i wish you the best and congratulations on your engagement.

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