Okay, I won't use THAT as my reason but still-- some wording help please. I babysit 3 kids aged 4, 4, and 7. They are COMPLETE MONSTERS. In therapy, troubled, emotionally disturbed, learning disabled, on top of two families coming together, with a death of a parent on one side and an abusive mother on the other.... I just CANNOT do it. I'm not qualified, don't have the experience! PLUS you can't talk to these parents because they always have an excuse for the kids behavior-- they had a bad home life, his dad died... I mean sad yes but NOT an excuse to break a kids finger in summer school or choke your sister. How do I nicely say-- not only do I NOT want to stay at your house with them for 4 days while youre on your honeymoon but I never want to watch your kids again!! I want to say it nicely and professionally... how to do that??
How to nicely say your kids are monsters?opera music
I think that you definately need to get yourself out of that situation, especially if you have already tried to talk to the parents and it's just not working. The one thing that I've learned over the years of working, is that if you're miserable at work then you can bring that misery home with you. There's nothing worse than dreading going to work everyday and wishing you could be somewhere else.
I would give them my two weeks notice and let them know that you have tried everything that you can to make the situation work for you but that you just feel as though your not qualified enough to take care of children with such special needs. Unfortunately these children have been through a lot in their young lives, but it looks like the parents need to take more responsibility in helping them rather than just making excuses for them.
How to nicely say your kids are monsters?opera sheet music opera theater
Just say that you have decided not to keep their kids after all..If they ask why be truthful.Say your children are unruly and I can not handle it..If more people would be honest to others about how their kids act..Maybe more parents would discipline their kids..
Wow! that sounds tough! get out of that situation as soon as possible - I would say- unless you need the job- and tell them to call me - I will help - I am a Parent Coach. www.nannysnewrules.com
OMG......You poor thing.
You should be as honest with the parents as possible. If they get the same message from everyone then they must realize that they need real help with these kids. Just remember that its not the childrens fault, its the parents. They likely wont want to hear anything negative about their children but right now total honesty is the only way to handle a situation like this.
Don't leave them hanging. Just give the mom a written notice that states that you don't feel qualified to deal with her childrens' behavior and tell her flat out you can't handle them for 4 days straight. Give her 2 weeks to find someone else and then you're out the door. Call protective services if you feel the children aren't being cared for properly or having their needs addressed.
You already answered your question. Tell them you dont feel qualified or ready to handle it.
Just tell them that you cant handle them. and that your sorry but you just cant take the aggravation.. and they would be advised to get someone with more experience. GOOD LUCK
Say exactly what you said here: "I'm flattered that you trust me with your children, but I'm simply not qualified to care for them. I just don't have the experiences or resources necessary." Then offer the name and number of a nanny or babysitting service - someplace that will assess the children before assigning a sitter.
"Sorry, but I just don't feel qualified to take care of the children."
(Sounds like it would take Sigmund Freud to handle these kids!)
OMG. I am so sorry that you are going through that.
Didnt you know the job was dangerous when you took it?
The children is that familys problem. Resign as you would any job. Be professional . Good luck to you.
Don't know if its putting it nicely, but here goes. Just tell the parents that their children have special needs that you can cannot give. then go into that you are nit qualified to care for them.
Tell them they should try getting Super Nanny to come in and help the kids out. LOL No really, have you ever seen that show? She works wonders with bratty kids.
I'd say, " I am sorry, but i can not deal with your kids.They have issues (that sentence is optional). You'll have to find someone else to watch your kids over your honeymoon, because it sure wont be me." And then you can walk out. If they havn't paid you yet, you should add, "I would like the money you owe me." Be professional. But if you want to add that optional sentence, go right ahead. They need to know what YOU think, because most likely, their other babysitters will feel the same way!!!! Hope everything works out!!!!
Just tell them that three children at that young of an age is just too much for you, they are far too "rambunctious" and you feel overwhelmed when watching them. They probably know thier children are monsters and just don't want to come out and say, "yeah our kids are brats" (what parent would?), or if they honestly don't know then nothing you tell them will change thier minds. But it's certainly not unreasonable to say that it is exhausting to watch children aged 4, 4, and 7 and ensure they stay out of "mischiff," and you are sorry but you cannot baby-sit thier children.
hey u parents of monster,accept my kisses and goodbye
i ahd a teacher once who whenever she got annoyed with us shed shout "YOU BEASTLY CHILDREN if you dont shut up im going to open the door, i mean it" How about saying to the parents you want to try something easier, or send them a letter telling them you quit so you never have to see them again
I'd say tell the the parents the kids need special care (they know it -- if they thought there was no problem at all, they wouldn't talk about the bad home life and other "reasons"). You are not qualified to offer that care, so you have no choice but to retire as their sitter.
I would give them notice, under the condition that they not put any other kids, or you, in physical danger by being violent. If that happens, you have to think entirely of the safety and well-being of the other children and yourself.
I would also reccommend ways they can get the help they need, suggesting they have therapy and anger management.
Unfortunately, the kids are the victims here, even though they are violent to others, and you hate to turn them away for being what their circumstances made them be, but you have to think of the others, too.
I regret that I will not be able to help you with your upcoming honeymoon childcare needs or other childcare needs in the future. I do not feel I am qualified to handle the emotional, and phsychological special needs of your children. Taking responsibility for your actions is one of the most important skills that a child can learn. I do not feel that I have the disciplinary ability to help these children. I hope you are able to find a good nurse or nanny to help these children to get past their prior troubles, and learn to be productive, responsible adults, not making excuses for every mistake they make. Good luck with your future responsibility, your hands will be full.
***They will interpret this how they want. But you would have made your point clear, hopefully without being offensive.***
You children are not well behaved.The children behavior need lots of work.
Why don't you just quit?
If that's not an option get a camera put it in your house or theirs, witch ever you babysit in, and show the kids parents how they act, but be careful what you say. Oh and explain that you don't want to quit but you want advice or help.
I did a lot of babysitting and caregiving all the way into my late teens and god knows how some of those kids behaved. There was one family with 3 kids that I use to watch every week and they drove me crazy-didn't listen, talked back all the time and were very troubled. Simply tell that parents, and give them a good 2-3 weeks notice, that will not be able to be a caregiver to their children anymore for your own personal reasons and if they would like, you'd be willing to help them find a replacement if need be. You do not have to explain yourself as to why. It'll be much easier to not say since it seems these parents are ready to accept the issues their children have.
I'm glad youre thinking of doing this professionally and not just going to say to the parents "I'm done, see ya later!" even though inside, you wish you could :)
Best wishes =]
Just tell them what the kids did wrong, over and over, they may get the message after a while.
Sounds like these kids have a strong need for stability. They are acting out because they lack impulse control due to poor parenting and special needs. If you are overwhelmed, it may be best for you to step back, you wouldn't want to feed into their probs. If it was me, I would say something like "I would like to talk about the current situation with the kids. I am feeling like I cannot offer what the kids need right now. Because of the difficult circumstances, I feel like they need someone who can offer a supportive, but disciplined environment. I don't feel equipped to manage under these conditions and I would like the best for the kids."
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