Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will everybody hate me if i say something?

theres something thats really been bothering me lately...and i kind of hate myself for not saying anything sooner. well to make a long story 1st period teacher was always saying mean things about this one particular student because of her poor reading skills, she said the student is stupid and will never get a job ever, then she went on to talk about how her math skills suck and how she performs like a 1st grader in a sixth grade class... i was in total shock b/c though i'm only 13 i know that teacher was dead wrong for saying those that school is out its been really getting to me...and yes i was scared to say something because i thought nobody would believe you think i should report this teacher... or is it too late?

Will everybody hate me if i say something?symphony

It is not too late and may prevent some other student from suffering

Will everybody hate me if i say something?performing arts center opera theater

TELL SOMEBODY OR CALL THE PRINCIPAL.thats considerd verbal abuse. i think..
YES! Who knows who her next victim will be. Email or write the principal if you think that will be easier. A good principal will be "on the watch" for that continued lack of professionalism (and heart) in the upcoming school year.

YES - report it!
Im a teacher and yes, school should still be open due to summer school. She has broken a law and needs to be faced with it. You can let your principal know without her knowing you told. Please tell someone, even your parents. They can make sure something is done. All students deserve a chance without some teacher pulling them down.
I would tell someone! That just sucks to have such awful teachers!!! Yea they shouldn't be in a classroom!
Yes, you should say something. If you are worried about credibility (whether you will be believed), you probably shouldn't be. Principals usually take these kind of comments seriously. It is especially believable because you are standing up for another student. What this teacher has done is verbal abuse. A teacher should never talk to a student that way. And teachers should never make personal comments about a student's performance in front of the whole class. Think of it this way: the teacher takes the place of a parent when in charge of a class of students. Would a parent talk to their own child that way? I should hope not. I can only imagine how that student must feel.
Well, you should definitely say something to the principal that it's happening.
It is never too late to report a situation like this. First of all, a good teacher would never put a student with stuggling skills in the spotlight, especially in front of the student's peers. The reason this is bothering you is because you know that it is wrong, totally unprofessional, and unkind. If you don't report it, this teacher will continue to degrade students. This can lead to low self esteem and even depression. The rate of teen depression is growing everyday and more and more teens are becoming suicidal because they feel they are worthless. Every child is capable of learning. Some just learn differently and at different rates. However, it is not something that is showcased by the teacher. My advice is to report it because its the right thing to do.
Talk to the student and see how she feels about the things that were said to her by the teacher.Maybe you could both see the principal together at the start of the newterm.Nno its not too late.

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