Yes, deeply amd madly in love with my first cousin. I want her all the time by my side and in bed. I worship her and I am about to ask her to marry me. Any advice on how to propose? She's in her 30's and so am I. She and I are afraid of what some jerks will say ...being that we are cousins. I don't care..
What will people say about us ..we are cousins..?oper
Just FYI, if you plan to have children there could be genetic problems.
What will people say about us ..we are cousins..?hollywood theater opera theater
You can not by law marry your first cousin....
Children born to people too closely related have a higher occurrance of many genetic diseases and mental, physical deformaties than those born to non related or further removed relations ( at least 4 people removed. each before a common relative)..
As first cousins you do not have that number
You.... Your mom or dad..... Grandma Joanna and Grandpa Joe
Her... Her mom or dad.... Grandma Joanna and Grandpa Joe...
Your common relatives are grandparents thats only 1 relative removed from each other thus the term 1st cousin....
While you may say you don't care society does.. The laws forbidding marriage of close cousins were established to prevent the genetic problems I mentioned.. Since society often times expends additional money and resourses, above that spent on "normal people", caring for people with "special needs".. It is society business...
In this case no one is being a jerk... You and your cousin knew full well when you entered into your "forbidden love" that it would neither be accepted not sanctioned by society as a whole.. Thus the fear of acceptance...
You obviously care otherwise you would not have asked this question nor feel fear about what people say... Try to delude yourself all you want, your own words contridict you...
Seek counseling...
It is against the law in most states, too many birth defects when children are born from this arrangement.
It is real easy, you don't tell anybody. Then nobody knows. It is nobodies business anyway, so keep it to yourselves.
35 states allow for marriage of first cousins in some form or another. Some require you to be infertile or over a certain age. Some your only allowed to marry if your are half- or adopted cousins. But some states have first cousin marriages that are unrestricted. ALL states allow for marriage of second cousins. Check your state, if your in the USA. I know in Canada, Mexico, and the UK the laws are nonrestrictive.
with all the people in the world you have to pick your cousin thats a lil weird maybe you should rethink that decision because its wrong and your probably tearing your family apart over it
What is wrong with people? Is it just me or does it seem like everyone is screwing their cousin? How do people not see that this is morally AND legally wrong in this situation!
Move to West Virginia or Arkansas.......... no one there will care.
Of course, if it doesn't affect me....... I don't care.
Good luck
You don't have to worry about "people" nearly as much as you do the law. Usually only time first counsins can marry is after the age of 65.
Only some states allow this and may require genetic counselling.
Here's info
The only time first counsins can marry is after the age of 65.
Ignore these people. It's totally legal. It's still widely accepted by many cultures. It's only very recent history that it has become something that's shunned. I think you answered your own question: you don't care. Don't make it public to every schmo you meet. At least you found someone you love so deeply. Congratulations!
Also, as far as the birth defects people mentioned... that only becomes an issue after generation upon generation of marrying cousins. You'll be ok.
by law, you can't marry your first cousin. those people that have something to say are not jerks, they are telling you the truth. that is just nasty.
I think it is obvious from the majority of comments that this is proof of why you should keep this part out. You shouldn't tell people that you're cousins unless you wish to encounter judgment and criticism.
You should definitely look into genetic testing, just to be safe.
It is legal to marry your first cousin too. This is still common in many cultures and most people don't understand or agree with this. That's their opinion and it sounds like you have already made up your mind.
In the UK it is perfectly legal to marry your first cousin (it's true!!!) I wouldn't personally do that, but if the law says it's legal then you can do it.
have you two considered kids? they may come out mentally or physically disabled not that its a horrible thing i work with the mentally and physically challanged but i see how hard it is for the parents
I'm not saying its right or wrong people have done worse but if your worried what they think maybe it shouldn't happen
Obviously if you are 30 years old you know what you want, but have you really thought this out? One or both of you should receive permanent birth control (snip, snip for you or her), first cousins should never reproduce because of all the possible problems for the baby. If you are truly concerned with what people will say why not move away and start a life together somewhere else so you won't shame your families. And if you haven't really thought this out, why not go on a vacation by yourself and try to get her out of your system and come back and start dating other women. Good luck to you and God Bless.
legally first cousins can't get married. sorry but them the rules!
You should care, what if you choose to have kids? You must be joking about this, nobody is that gross!!!!
Assuming that you live in the U.S., it's illegal for you to marry your first cousin.
If you "don't care" what people say, why are you asking this question?
There are two things you need to do before planning on marrying.. first find out if first cousin marriage is legal in your state.. you may have to go elsewhere to be married. Secondly I would have both of you screened as thoroughly as possible for genetic conditions that you could pass on.
As far as what jerks will say... who cares about the opinions of jerks? :)
People will say what about your children?
Hey, just because you can get away with it in Arkansas doesn't mean you should do it.
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