just a simple straight out answer. i have a friend who is bringing my frienship with another person down cuz all we do is care and wonder and just talk about them. not focusing on our own. been friends with him for 5 years her for 5 months but as friendship. should i end the friendship with him? cuz all his problems and all his weight is bringing ours down and it has to stop. me or her have to do something about it cuz it hurts us.
in need a yes or no and reason why on what should i do?peace
A yes or no question----?musicals
Please focus on your own choices and decisions in life. There will be things that are under your control, things that you can influence directly, and those outside of your control. The choices and decisions of your friends can be influenced by you but they are ultimately thier own decisions. Do not focus your energies on your friends lives unless they ask for your help. Don't talk about them behind their backs. It sounds like you are obsessed with what they are doing. Concentrate on your own life. Hang with your friend when you want to. Don't agree to discuss or wonder about your friends relationship with your other friends. Please stop worrying. Your friend is an adult. If what he is doing directly affects or hurts you in some way. Stay away from him because he is toxic. Save yourself. You are worth it.
Thank you sweety, take care, have some fun,
A yes or no question----?opera songs opera theater
No. 5 years is a lot more than 5 months. Which one is more important to you? Take into consideration your thoughts and what you want. Good Luck and don't stress to much on it!
if the friendship has gotten to the point where all it does is bring you guys down, then yes. a friendship should enhance your life, not bring it down. sure, there are going to be tough times but it shouldn't turn toxic. Plus you guys should concentrate on your own problems too before they get out of hand. You have to take care of yourself, if you don't then you won't do anyone or yourself any good. It's really a two part question. take care, buddy. let me know what happens.
r u krazzi u wanna end a relationship with ur friend for 5 years over a friend for 5 months if I were you i would think about tha decision carefully!!
Who do you like more? Basically it isn't about quantity it is about quality so any amount of time with someone who brings you down isn't worth another single minute of your time.
I think you need to talk to him about it before you decided wether or not you should break up the friendship, he might be jelous. But if you can't work it out you need to decide who is more important the girl or the guy! But if you can't work it out i would say yes end it.
for 5 month friendship are you goin' to lose 5 years' friend? Idiot!
This is not a yes/ no Q.
A friendship of 5 years is quite a thing.
Since we do not have details, it is not an easy Q.
Like why he says what and she is against him.
Who knows how she is and what motives she has in ending this friendship.
I'd sit and talk with the 5 year friend. A frank talk and see what happens.
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