I say yes because the pyramids were made by slaves under the hot scorching sun.
There was a lot of blood, sweat, tears and death involve in creating those pyramids.
Mummies were also sadistic because any wife, child, horse, all living things owned by the dead king as well as his money was burried with him. It's not fair these dead kings wives, children, horses, any living creature belonging to the king had to die! Also to bury the kings money with them was in vein because it could've done a lot good for the poor.
Better yet, it would've provided their families if they hadn't been killed.
I know the whole purpose of this was to provide the dead kings with everything he needs for the after life.
Once you leave your body you can't take anything solid with you so what was the point in all this?
It was just pure madness!
Is it a fair statement to say that the history involving Pharohs, pyramids, and mummies was sadistic?soap opera
A lot of early civilizations (and even later civilizations) used slave labor, not just the Egyptians. Sure, it wasn't right, but that's not how they saw things. As for sacrifices, usually it would be pets and slaves that were killed, so as to help the deceased on his journey through the underworld. These sacrifices were only commonly practiced in earlier periods in Egyptian history. Eventually the slaves were replaced by ushebti figures that represented slaves and were supposed to come alive to help the king get through the underworld. As for the wealth buried with the king, if it were not buried with him it still would not help the poor, as it most likely go to his family. The Egyptians didn't think like you, they didn't mind burying the dead with their personal possessions to ensure a comfortable afterlife. It's kind of like today when we spend thousands of dollars on a funeral. Sure it would help out the family if they just kept the money, but it makes them feel better by giving the dead a better send off.
Is it a fair statement to say that the history involving Pharohs, pyramids, and mummies was sadistic?city opera opera theater
no it is not fair of you to say that. you are not Egyptian and obviously do not understand their culture. until you have done a really deep study of their history and culture , then no it is not fair of you to call what they do sadistic or madness.
these things are a part of their beliefs. how would you like it if someone who does not know anything about you to say that what you do is madness? the Egyptians mummified their dead to preserve the bodies, and as for their after life they believed their belongings would go with them.
the thought of putting a body in a box and putting it in the ground to rot was disrespectful to the souls of their dead.
do yourself a favor and get a book on Egyptian history.
Yes in way's
But I think it is fair to say that all of history has elements of being sadistic
Much of Egyptology is wrong anyway.
The sphinx originally had a cats head not a kings head
read up on some geology reports regarding water being the Sahara many years ago. It may change all of history.
no i dont think it was,
I don't think I would describe all that as sadistic. Sadistic means that someone gets pleasure from seeing someone in pain, and I don't think that would really fit the situation. Also remember it wasn't just kings that were mummified but anyone that was an important person to the king, and his family. Also anyone that had could afford to have a family member mummified could. As for the Egyptians burying their dead with everything they need in the afterlife, you might believe that there would be no purpose in it because a deceased person can't take the stuff with them. However that was just a custom of theirs. Just as buying flowers to put on someone's grave that people do now days. Theirs a lot of people from other cultures that would see that as pointless. You should learn about cultural relativism, that might help you understand a little bit better about their burial practices.
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