Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why are we so afraid to say "I dont know" when we don't know?

like hi "Is God real? Did everything in the bible happen? Is everything about christianity the exact and only right way to live?"

Why do most poeple feel it is necessary to say yes and everyone else to say no.....why can't we all just be honest and say I don't know becuase there is no way for anyone to know these things adn then we could all get along in peace and harmony.

Why are we so afraid to say "I dont know" when we don't know?musicals

naturally,we tend 2 feel embarressed whenever we do not knw things..

Why are we so afraid to say "I dont know" when we don't know?opera songs opera theaterThat's where faith comes in. You have been tested and failed. Now you are more confused than anything. I pray that you turn from your backsliding ways and revert back. I love you my friend and I don't want you to fall into the enemy's traps. Report It

I guess because it is true and with faith there is proof to say everything in the bible did happen.

"I don't know?" maybe later when I really "don't" know.
There are ALOT of things I don't know about God, and I head a Christian minstry (internet radio station). Knowing God is like going to the ocean. You can describe or define the ocean, but you can only walk or dive into it to 'know' it or 'experience' it. It is the same way with knowing God.

The Bible clearly teaches that Jesus is the ONLY way to God. (John 14:6).

It sounds very narrow minded, however, being that Jesus was GOD in the flesh, He has a right to have a corner on the truth.
By the example you gave (Is God real?), the answer is :Fear. Christians have been taught that if they do not witness 'for' God, they are witnessing 'against' God. They are afraid they will wind up in hell. 'Fear' is generally the reason for any example. People are afraid of being perceived as stupid, uneducated, ignorant, etc. So, they open their mouth and prove it by giving erroneous answers.
Well I'm not afraid to say I don't know. I was brought up to believe in God but I don't know why he lets bad things happen to people especially children. It says he is a merciful God and I just don't understand that. I know now that a lot of younger people don't even believe in God. I have a lot of questions there are just no answers for. I don't even think a preacher could answer my questions. I still believe but I hate going to church where the people are hypocrites.
Im not ashamed, I say it all the time... also words like "as I see it" or "in my opinion" the fact of the matter is NO ONE knows for sure things of God and His nature. A lot of people like to think they do and tell you they do but they dont. All we have to go on is evidence, faith and (hopefully) educated choices.
ummm; yes?

No; no. A definite maybe...

I think.
You and me we could change the world, if only people would listen!!!!!!

Why do we have to queue up to get in nightclubs? cant they just let us all in and charge us when we get to the bar??

Why do we have to lie to people when we know that its going to hurt them? its not going to hurt us?

Why has there never been a band as popular as the beatles?
Not afraid to say that I don't know when I really don't know something...But like what you are talking about...I KNOW that God is real. You can set there and argue all you want, but I am the one that has had the experience.

Like I have told others on here...I have seen my dad die right before my eyes and then God raised Him from the dead. My grandmother had cancer of the liver and doctors gave her no hope, then God healed her completely and there is no trace of cancer in her body and she still going...she's 94.

I know that God is real.

Somethings you just know.
Preach on, my brother. Represent the "A-team."
Great question .. Well, for myself .. If someone gives me a report of someone walking on water without flotation gear, knowing as I do the principals of fluid displacement, or claims that a 3 day old dead decayed body reanimated and went walking .. virgin births, gods and heavens .. waving of hands raising people long dead, or making water into wine .. I have no fear of saying "I don't know" ... because I KNOW all this crap is just that.

I am thinking the REAL question here should have been why all the rational people out there are afraid to step up to the plate and call this sick misguided irrationality and irrationality just that?
The bible is a collection of myths and lessons not unlike Grimms Fairy Tales, they are all stories we are meant to take lessons from, not take literally, and no, the core of Christianity, the teachings of Jesus are the way to live, but not enough "Christians" take those lessons to heart. There are too many that like to pull quotes from the bible and use them out of context to further their own causes, generally hurtful causes.

People don't like to feel as if they are stupid, or will be thought of as stupid, we are raised in a culture of shame, compliments in large part, of Christianity. Once you come to the realization that there are a lot of people who don't know what you don't know, and your saying that you don't know can help you and them as well, it becomes less painful. Acknowledging that you don't know is really the only way to learn, but some people need to feel better than others so they'd never admit it.
i have faith that god is real

i think people have "answers" for everything because when we are asked a question we feel like we have to have an approptriate answer or we'll look ignorant. Also, my mother always told me "idk is never a good answer"!
cause if we all did that this would be a very boring section !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's simple. There is no peace and harmony without Jesus Christ.

Why don't you try Him out for yourself and see instead of asking everyone else what they think. God is REAL and the Bible is His Word. See if you will ever have peace without Him and then see if you will have peace with Him in your life.
Well one of the sins of the devil is "Vanity" no one likes to be wrong and in the world of vain and conceted people we sometimes lie to look good in a croud, "Vanity"

If I don't know and some one else does I now become educated and I will never answer that question wrong again, but as lies go eventually someone will prove me wrong and I will eventually look dumb anyway in front of everyone and be proven a liar. If you say you don't know like everyone else you will blend in and no one will remember that you didn't know the answer but they will remember your honest.
i don't know ???
Good one - and I wholeheartedly agree.

While many people might respond by saying that we do in fact "know" that God exists b/c some people take the bible as legitimate proof. But at any rate, if we could all just be less judgemental and accept everyone's different opinions, the world would be a more positive place to be.

Cause all I know is that I sure as heck do NOT know the absolute truth about God.

and p.s: it's not just the born-again bible-thumpers who preach and impose - every religion has its zealots and they are all as equally guilty and ridiculously annoying.
I have faith God is real,
because were afraid will be embaresed or fell or look stupid
because we feel like people might think that we are stupid....
I don't know
When it comes to religion it is about beliefs. If a person says God is real, them most likely they are religious people which means that they DO know, and to them, God IS real.

Most people I know who discuss the bible readily admit that there are things about their religion that they don't know.
Acctually not everything in the bible did happen somethings are called paraboles which are just examples of things that could happen
Many cannot say, "I don't know" as it relates to many topics because of low self esteem or ego. It is very difficult to look at a child and admit that you are not the all knowing being he worships you as. Admitting to a girlfriend that you don't know the answer makes the playing ground level and a person with ego issues cannot have that. A contractor cannot let his customer he may not know his trade fully.

It is not malicious in intent, it is just a knee jerk reaction to being unsure of yourself. Things we do in life that aren't on the up and up or morally questionable usually are responses to fear.

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