Thursday, December 10, 2009

Will everybody hate me if i say something?

theres something thats really been bothering me lately...and i kind of hate myself for not saying anything sooner. well to make a long story 1st period teacher was always saying mean things about this one particular student because of her poor reading skills, she said the student is stupid and will never get a job ever, then she went on to talk about how her math skills suck and how she performs like a 1st grader in a sixth grade class... i was in total shock b/c though i'm only 13 i know that teacher was dead wrong for saying those that school is out its been really getting to me...and yes i was scared to say something because i thought nobody would believe you think i should report this teacher... or is it too late?

Will everybody hate me if i say something?symphony

It is not too late and may prevent some other student from suffering

Will everybody hate me if i say something?performing arts center opera theater

TELL SOMEBODY OR CALL THE PRINCIPAL.thats considerd verbal abuse. i think..
YES! Who knows who her next victim will be. Email or write the principal if you think that will be easier. A good principal will be "on the watch" for that continued lack of professionalism (and heart) in the upcoming school year.

YES - report it!
Im a teacher and yes, school should still be open due to summer school. She has broken a law and needs to be faced with it. You can let your principal know without her knowing you told. Please tell someone, even your parents. They can make sure something is done. All students deserve a chance without some teacher pulling them down.
I would tell someone! That just sucks to have such awful teachers!!! Yea they shouldn't be in a classroom!
Yes, you should say something. If you are worried about credibility (whether you will be believed), you probably shouldn't be. Principals usually take these kind of comments seriously. It is especially believable because you are standing up for another student. What this teacher has done is verbal abuse. A teacher should never talk to a student that way. And teachers should never make personal comments about a student's performance in front of the whole class. Think of it this way: the teacher takes the place of a parent when in charge of a class of students. Would a parent talk to their own child that way? I should hope not. I can only imagine how that student must feel.
Well, you should definitely say something to the principal that it's happening.
It is never too late to report a situation like this. First of all, a good teacher would never put a student with stuggling skills in the spotlight, especially in front of the student's peers. The reason this is bothering you is because you know that it is wrong, totally unprofessional, and unkind. If you don't report it, this teacher will continue to degrade students. This can lead to low self esteem and even depression. The rate of teen depression is growing everyday and more and more teens are becoming suicidal because they feel they are worthless. Every child is capable of learning. Some just learn differently and at different rates. However, it is not something that is showcased by the teacher. My advice is to report it because its the right thing to do.
Talk to the student and see how she feels about the things that were said to her by the teacher.Maybe you could both see the principal together at the start of the newterm.Nno its not too late.

I want 2 tell this really shy guy that i like him...what the heck do i say???

please's friday and i'm gonna' tell him i like him on saturday!!! i want 2 b like "hey...i like you...i need 2 no if u like me back, 'cause if u don't then i want 2 just move on" .... but i'm not sure!!! what do i say and how do i respond if he says "yes" or "no" .... either way i need 2 no what 2 say back!!!

I want 2 tell this really shy guy that i like him...what the heck do i say???performing show

Okay, okay, okay...

Here's the thing. You said that he is shy. Why does that matter? If you get that feeling that he kind of likes you already then you just need to take the bull by the horns. Take him to a quiet place if you can and come out with it. Just tell him that you really like him. End with a kiss... and that's that. If he's really shy then he'll appreciate your being forward all the more.

Take it from one who was once 'this really shy guy': he will be thankful for your honesty. Actually, when I was like that I had this girl stride up to me and start eating my face off. We were 'really good pals' after that, know what I mean?

I want 2 tell this really shy guy that i like him...what the heck do i say???opera score opera theater

really shy guy...i like you

say it just like that
Your own idea there sounds good.

I'd bet $50 he says he likes you too.
I like stephasadie's advice.
you r attracted to this guy. you will not know if you really like each..other until you get to know each other. so instead of saying do you like me.. which he may not know yet.. ask if he will like to have lunch., dinner something like that.
say hi my name is....... and i was thinking about hanging out sometime how bout 7ish (or watever time you like) heres my address and # call me when your ready and then name the place you wanna go go0d luck :)
Just say to him, 'do you wanna (activity) sometime?'. He'll get the message. Even shy guys are still guys.
You might try

"You know I sort of like (GO) for you"

"I have the feeling you might like me too"

How come you have never asked for my phone number or anything?

If yes, you are on your way

if no, then you know

you can start off by saying"I hope you don't think me forward, but I would like to ask you a question?"

If you hear no like

say well I just wanted to know

or if something like a put down

you can always say"That's what I thought, but since a girlfriend bet me $19 ; I had to do it

You understand don't you?

Thanks for being a good sport!"

humm, you want to tell a guy that you like him........i would go with "i like you"
if he that shy .well just step up and start talking to him.
" are ya?" (he answers) "i just wanted to tell ya something but i thought i'd give ya this note instead...please get back to me" (you hand the note to him, then walk away after a cute wave and smile)...there you go. you did a good thing in a good way...and he wasnt' embarrassed at maybe saying no...and you get to wait for HIM to make the next move. :) isn't life grand? hehe.
I am pretty shy myself. If you start talk to the guy, he will probably talk back because that's respectful. When you start talk to him more, he will probably start to like you because shy guys don't talk to a lot of people, and if you are the only person who talks him a lot, he will start to like you. Don't rush it, because if you do what you said in your question, he probably will say no because he doesn't even know who you are.
Be straight forward
I think that you should just go up to him and say that you like him darnet.
Just say: 'shall we go to the movies on friday'. You've already started him thinking in terms of we- any answer her gives talks of you-both as a singularity.
I would just get right to it and say hey you know I have known you for ______ amount of time and I really do like you when you do ________ or that_______. See how he replies if it is positive just say it would be awesome if we could just hang out or just go to the movies about movies you like and see if he agrees that will be a lead into asking to go to the movies and just say hey how about this day or that day we can go and see which theater is playing it... go from there
start with Hello... thats usually a good icebreaker.. ;)

Dont just wham him with i like you do you like me out of the blue... you'll scare him.. lol but let him know that you are interested in him... what he says back, and his body language will let you know if he is interested too...
Actions speak louder then words.

1) Get him on own away from anyone.

2) Don't appear threatening.

3) Engineer an means of touching... you first. Ie cinema and your arm around him or against him, If he is cool and relaxes whisper he can put his arm around you if he likes....

4) If he does wait a little bit them pull his arm onto you breast and move nose in to kiss him...

5) if he is not so good help him out. If he likes you and realises you like him and cool getting kissy touchy and he can mess up a little he can relax. then call him next day to meet up again as he may be nervous about picking a perfect date or when to call you etc... Again no other mates.

If he is not interested ask 'still mates?'

Or engineer a game where if he wins he can kiss you if he likes, if he does kiss him back.;
say hello...just ask how hes doing...sometimes honestly it just takes one word to start the conversation and then something happens. otherwise you will never know.
Shy people are generally very grateful if someone takes the time and trouble to engage with them. My advice is to be straight and tell him you like him a lot. Then say something like: "Hey, no problem if you don't feel the same way, but I just thought I'd let you know". My bet is that he'll love your attitude and want to hang out with you.
Hey. i would go up to him and say hey whatsup.. ya know.. make small talk. then say like wanna do something on saturday? if he likes u, its pretty sure fool proof and u got urself a man ;)
well i think u should just start out by talking to him- dont rush it on him all at once!!!

Would you say something?

My so called best mate keep cancelling on me,if I'm going out at the weekend I'll always invite her %26amp; her b/friend.She always says yes then does'nt show or texts me at the last minute with some poor excuse.I'm seeing less %26amp; less of her since she started going out with this guy,they've been together a year %26amp; a half now so surely the honeymoon period is going on a bit longer than usual.I have a b/friend myself so it's not as if I'm feeling left out.We never talk on the phone anymore %26amp; it's really starting to get me down.Do I say something to her or just leave it to see if she realises %26amp; does something about it.

Would you say something?comedy show

talk to her. I had the exact same problem. I told her what was wrong. She said she never realised and promised to make things better. She didn't and that was the end of that friendship. But who knows, things could go better for you.

Would you say something?greek theater opera theater

definately say something. Next time you ask her to go out and she refuses, simply say "im seeing a pattern developing here. Have i done something to upset you?"
Yeah i think you should tell her that you're feeling a bit hurt and left out by the way she's been treating you. Maybe she just doesn't realise?
This has happened to me before. Sometimes people just grow apart. I have lost contact with many old friends. It does suck when they do those kinda things. It feels like they don't care really. You could call her and tell her you really need to talk to her in person, then tell her all this, about how your feeling, that it is really getting you down and ask her if everything is ok, why she has been doing this, that you miss hanging out with her.
This happens to most frendships. I do think you should have a polite word, try to come to an arrangement for a `girls time out` only. Do your best, she is obviously devoting all her time to her boyfriend, but as a best mate you are best to not get between them, she will come to need a shoulder and who better than you? will be there. I hope all works well!
I would talk to deserve to know what s going on it s not fair if you keep contacting her if she doesnt want to know anymore....I had a friend like that to be honest im glad we've fallen out as she was so selfish and only wanted to know when she didnt have anyone else.
Tricky. I wonder if her boyfriend has a problem with you? Perhaps he isn't that keen on you and she feels uncomfortable to tell? Its a bit upsetting but I would approach her and say something when you get a chance. If it clears the air then you can ask her to see you without the boyfriend on days she isn't seeing him. It will save a lot of grief.
She is either enjoying setlled life or her boyfriend doesnt really like her going out anymore or worse - doesnt like her having friends. Go and see her at home without her bloke being there and have a chat about this.
well she is newly wed right? So that proly means she is so much in love now........well you can wait a bit.......then say something

Why do Bible only Christians say Catholics shouldn't pray to the Saints because they are dead p

Then in the next breath they berate Catholics for the crucifix because they say. "HE is risen!". Yes he has risen but, did you not know that Christians are members of the body of Christ and if he has risen then we have too so upon death we will go to Heaven to be with him. We are not in the grave sleeping. We have consumed the body and blood of Jesus. We are of his body therefore we do go to Heaven therefore the Saints are not dead but, in Heaven. Therefore we may pray to them and ask them to intercede for us. Doesn't it say that "All of Heaven will rejoice over one sinner who repents"? Why would it say that if there were only Jesus and a few angels there?

Why do Bible only Christians say Catholics shouldn't pray to the Saints because they are dead people?events

dont forget the 'all who believe in Him might not die but have everlasting life' quote

o and in REV it says something like "and the bowls were filled with the intercession of the holy ones"

edit for other answerers : apparently the people who say 'the bible doesnt mention saints' lack common sense. duh the bible doesnt mention saints, there was no one to die for christianity when the bible was written. revelation, the last written book, does though. interesting.

another edit:

its not so much praying to saints as its praying THRU saints.

no different than asking your friend to pray for you, considering they're not biblically dead.

Why do Bible only Christians say Catholics shouldn't pray to the Saints because they are dead people?home theatre opera theater

........."For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus"....1st Timothy 2:5.........Though you may be very sincere, the "Blesse Virgin Mary" CANNOT make intercession for you. 1st Timothy 2:5 couldn't be any clearer or to the point!......Jesus Christ is the MEDIATOR between god and mankind. The Catholics commit idolatry when the bow before a statue of Mary of rely upon Mary to intercede for them.........Mary is NO mediator or intercessor....she is just a woman. No dead saint or living Pope can mediate for you!!.........Though Catholics claim they are only honoring the dead saints and Mary, the truth of the matter is that they are obsessed with wicked idol worship. This is why the 2nd of the Ten Commandments is missing in their Catechism books. No saint of priest can reconcile your sinful heart to God. The ONLY way to obtain the righteousness of God is in Jesus Christ (2nd Corithians 5:17). There is ony ONE MEDIATOR.......Jesus Christ!.....It is a Biblical fact that the only mortal soul who has ever ascended into heaven is the Son of Man, Jesus Christ.........Everyone who has ever lived and died is still in the grave awaiting the second coming of Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the dead saints that will immediately follow........."Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep (in the grave), or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep (in the grave) in him. According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly NOT PRECEDE those who have fallen asleep (in the grave). For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the achangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead (who's souls are asleep in the grave) in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.".....(1st Thessalonians 4:13-17)..........There are legions of angels in heaven rejoicing over repentant sinner, but that's all!.........Please do yourself a favor and study the "real" Bible, then you would know and prove to yourself that what I have told you is the truth.
Why do you become so angry defending your beliefs?

I am a born again christian and I do not believe everything the Catholic church says or does. I have my belief and I am fine with that. You have your belief and I am fine with that also.

Why are you so angry??
There is only one who can intercede for you, and that is Jesus Christ. It has nothing to do with who is in heaven. The saints CANNOT intercede for you. Neither can Mary. She has no power in heaven. The saints have NO power in heaven, and the belief that Jesus Christ is not the only intermediary between God and man is promoted in the practice of worshipping or praying to dead saints, who act as patrons and mediators. This practice ROBS Christ of His supremacy and centrality in God's redemptive plan. Worship and prayer to ANYONE other than God the Father, God the Son, or God the Holy Spirit are unbiblical and MUST be rejected.

Do not believe or practice the lies and false teachings of the catholic church. They teach things that go directly AGAINST Christ.

You can either repent, and be born again into worshipping in spirit and truth, which is what God wants of you, or you can believe a lie and be damned.

My family is catholic, Midge. Do not try to sell me on the lies of the Roman Catholic Church. I praise God daily that I am not lost in their false doctrine and fancy ceremonies. It is all they have to offer. I guess for some, it is enough.
I can't speak for others

saint's have no power

they were just servants obedient to God

Jesus has the power

acting now through the Holy Spirit
first of all we do not pray to the dead because they are just that. yes the believer is said to be asleep but they still cannot intercede for us. that is what Jesus and the Holy Spirit does

Romans 8:27

Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

Only Jesus can intercede for us because He was sinless

Hebrews 7:26

26 For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens;
Because,as you have stated,they are dead.Jesus is alive and is the only person you should pray to.May Jesus bless.
If they rejected the false premises on both sides what would they bicker over then. Drop god and be kind .
We worship God our Heavenly Father and pray only to Him.
The saints who are alive on the earth are not in heaven. On that fact alone your argument falls flat. But that's not all.

The Bible makes clear that those who are dead, are not in heaven, but in their graves in the earth (Ecclesiastes 9:5 -- "For the living know that they will die; But the dead know nothing"; Psalms 115:17 -- "The dead do not praise the Lord, Nor any who go down into silence"). It even refers to the "dead in Christ" as asleep, not alive and awake in heaven. And Jesus made it plain that no one has risen to heaven. Peter also said the same thing when he said David (a dead saint) is still in his grave over a month after Jesus was raised from the dead.

Though the saints who have died, are alive in promise, they are yet dead in form.

Twisted logic is what Peter was writing about when he declared that people twist the Scriptures to their own destruction.

The Bible is also clear on the fact that the saints will rise from the dead ***when Christ returns*** to the earth, not before. So, once again, they will not be in heaven but on earth with Jesus Christ when life is restored to them.

And where do you get the very flawed idea that there are only "a few angels?"

Rev 5:11 -- Then I looked, and I heard the voice of MANY ANGELS around the throne, the living creatures, and the elders; AND THE NUMBER OF THEM WAS TEN THOUSAND TIMES TEN THOUSAND, AND THOUSANDS OF THOUSANDS. (See also: Psalms 68:17, Daniel 7:10, Mt 26:53)

As for praying to the dead -- would you pray to a rock, or the wind or a dry leaf? Would any of these answer your prayer? It is the same with praying to dead people; they can neither hear your prayer nor answer.
I think you misunderstand where we are coming from when we say that you should not pray to Saints.

It's not because they are dead people, although that is a reality. Yes they are dead and in Heaven ... they are not here and can no longer hear you or see you. They do not hear your prayers.

But the main reason is that you are worshipping something other than God and we all know that is a BIG no-no. Why do you feel it necessary to use an intermediary when all you need do is bow your head and mutter "help" from your soul? He'll hear you and He'll help you. To us, it's as rude as if you refused to speak to your mother, and instead made all of your siblings ask her for things.

That is the real reason why we know it is wrong to pray to a person. Only God deserves our prayer, that's what prayer is ... conversation with God.
They say that you shouldn't pray to departed saints because no where in the Bible do you find a person praying to anyone besides God or trying to get assistance from a departed saint except in this passage where the results are far from favorable.

1 Samuel 28:7 Then Saul said to his servants, "Seek out for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her." And his servants said to him, "Behold, there is a medium at En-dor." 8 So Saul disguised himself and put on other garments and went, he and two men with him. And they came to the woman by night. And he said, "Divine for me by a spirit and bring up for me whomever I shall name to you." 9 The woman said to him, "Surely you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off the mediums and the necromancers from the land. Why then are you laying a trap for my life to bring about my death?" 10 But Saul swore to her by the LORD, "As the LORD lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this thing." 11 Then the woman said, "Whom shall I bring up for you?" He said, "Bring up Samuel for me." 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice. And the woman said to Saul, "Why have you deceived me? You are Saul." 13 The king said to her, "Do not be afraid. What do you see?" And the woman said to Saul, "I see a god coming up out of the earth." 14 He said to her, "What is his appearance?" And she said, "An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped in a robe." And Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and paid homage. 15 Then Samuel said to Saul, "Why have you disturbed me by bringing me up?" Saul answered, "I am in great distress, for the Philistines are warring against me, and God has turned away from me and answers me no more, either by prophets or by dreams. Therefore I have summoned you to tell me what I shall do." 16 And Samuel said, "Why then do you ask me, since the LORD has turned from you and become your enemy? 17 The LORD has done to you as he spoke by me, for the LORD has torn the kingdom out of your hand and given it to your neighbor, David. 18 Because you did not obey the voice of the LORD and did not carry out his fierce wrath against Amalek, therefore the LORD has done this thing to you this day. 19 Moreover, the LORD will give Israel also with you into the hand of the Philistines, and tomorrow you and your sons shall be with me. The LORD will give the army of Israel also into the hand of the Philistines."
Sounds like you need to read the Book again.
Before Jesus Christ died for our sins and opened the gates of heaven there were no saints in heaven. Therefore there are no Old Testament writings that would mention them.

Very few of the new Christians died before most of the New Testament was written. Therefore there is little in the Bible about asking saints to pray for us.

However the last book of the Bible does talk about the saints in heaven praying.

Revelation 5:8: Each of the elders held a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which are the prayers of the holy ones.

Revelation 8:3-4: He was given a great quantity of incense to offer, along with the prayers of all the holy ones, on the gold altar that was before the throne. The smoke of the incense along with the prayers of the holy ones went up before God from the hand of the angel.

The Holy Spirit guided the early Church in many things not explained in the Bible including how does the Body of Christ (believers) living on Earth relate to the Body of Christ (saints) living in heaven. We are still one Body.

Catholics share the belief in the Communion of Saints with many other Christians, including the Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Episcopal, and Methodist Churches.

The Communion of Saints is the belief where all saints are intimately related in the Body of Christ, a family. When you die and go to heaven, you do not leave this family.

Everyone in heaven or on their way to heaven are saints, you, me, my deceased grandmother, Mary the mother of Jesus, and Mother Teresa.

As part of this family, you may ask your family and friends living here on earth to pray for you. Or, you may also ask the Blessed Virgin Mary, Saint Andrew, or your deceased grandmother living in heaven to pray for you.

Prayer to saints in heaven is simple communication, not worship.

And prayer to the saints is optional not required.

With love in Christ.
comeon we didnt but you did
Because they are people , no different than you and I. They are in heaven true enough, but they are not God and we don't pray to those who are not God. Whereas we believe that Jesus, is God in the flesh, the 2nd person of the trinity

The saints are in heaven with God, that doesn't mean they ARE God
Yeah all worship should be for God alone....but Catholics don't worship saints! They only ask saints to pray to God FOR them. Saint's can give anything, but like anybody on earth, they can pray for someone else.
The Bible says there is one mediator between God and man, Christ Jesus. We are to worship and pray to God, not a man (or woman) or angels or anyone or anything else. Dead people may be in heaven but they are still just people, not God.
Jesus is THE ONLY INTERCESSOR I NEED BETWEEN ME AND GOD, OK? If you want to worship saint bob and saint betty or whoever , go ahead, but it's a bunch of bull and an insult to what I believe the bible says about Jesus dying for my sins.
christians only pray to jesus and god while catholics pray to idols, dead ppl etc
Catholics should not pray to the saints because they can't hear you, because they ARE dead, (and depending how much Biblical knowledge you have, you will realize that people have not yet been ressurected into eternity). We are to pray to God, not to dead Church patrons...

And the crucifix does look quite depressing, we should be thankful that he died for us, but also remember that he rose again. The crucifix makes little sense because Jesus overcame the cross and is not there anymore...
God forbids communication with the dead.

Deut 18:10-12 And do not let your people practice fortune-telling or sorcery, or allow them to interpret omens, or engage in witchcraft. Or cast spells, or function as mediums or psychics, or CALL FORTH THE SPIRITS OF THE DEAD. Anyone who does these things is an object of horror and disgust to the Lord.
Protestants do not believe in temporal punishment or the Treasury of Merit. Therefore, the contribution of saints to our salvation is historical and foundational, while the contribution of Christ to our salvation is ongoing and active. And so we remember, respect, and study the lives of the saints, but look to Christ as our sole intercessor.
They believe in that bogus rapture doctrine that is not in the Bible so they believe that we will all be judged on one day. They do not realize that the saints are already in Heaven with God. If they have no real Love for God's Mother Mary why should we expect them to have any respect for the other Saints? Peace be with you
I lutheran and i know that we have saints too .... but i dont think we should worship thim and pray to them...maybe thank god for them but not worship them
Praying to someone is a form of worship. This was not done in the earth church at all.

The bible says, "there is one mediator between God and man, Jesus the Christ"

The bible also says, "The dead know not what goes on under the sun." They don't hear you. ONLY God/ Jesus is omnipresent so they can hear you ONLY. Mary doesn't and neither do the saints. The saints ARE in heaven but I truly believe it is a sin to pray to them or Mary.

All prayer and worship should be for God and God only

How to I say no to a boy?

There is this guy and he told my friend he wants to ask me to be his girlfriend. I would totally say yes if I wanted to have a boyfriend, but the thing is I don't want a boyfriend. What should I say to him if he asks me out.

How to I say no to a boy?say yes

tell him exactly what you just said. say i would go out with you, but i really dont want a bf right now.

How to I say no to a boy?palace theatre opera theater

ok go up to him and say this word............."No" that simple
i can't i'm just not looking for a boyfriend right now.
with a stern voice
well you are honest with him and say no. tell him that u have feelings for someone else and u r sorry u don't have them for him.
it seems ur scared i understand well just say him that u wont be comfortable and he must understand it and respect it dont rush it because it seems ur juz 12 to14 yrs old or younger
just tell him what you want and don't want. if he is okay with that and wants to continue to be friends and just hang out occassionally, then great. if not then leave him alone.
Say, thank you, but no thank you. And then keep your mouth shut - don't blab to everyone, because you may never get asked out again.
you answered you own question.

What should I say to him if he asks me out.but the thing is I don't want a boyfriend.
tell him you would totally say yes........if you wanted a boyfriend. but at this point in time you don't. and ask him if he'd just like to be friends...........for now.
just tell him how you feel
say i would date you but i dont need a boyfriend right now.but maybe in the future we can date.
i think you should say all what you feel .spend time with him and say your problem .lets see if understand you :)
just say u dont want a boyfriend
Maybe something like..."I'm just not ready for a relationship right now, but I would love to be friends."
how about "no thx i dont want a bf right now
say no.
Tell him you don't wnt a boyfriend at the moment, and he should ask again when yre ready to date someone..

e'll understand, and as long as you don't show up wit another boy in te near future, he can't be mad at you, and you didn't even have to lie!
tell him exactly what you told everyone in your question i would go out with you if i wanted a bf but i dont.
tell him your parents do not allow you to date as of yet

How would you say "upcoming" in Spanish?

I am writing a speech in Spanish and would like to know the correct way to say "upcoming". The phrase reads, "que informaran los estudiantes sobre upcoming eventos de deportes," in English, "that will inform (yes I know there is an accent on the last a in informaran) the students about upcoming sports events." And also does "upcoming" come before or after sports events. I would prefer a native or fluent speaker. I have searched several dictionaries and translators but there answers do not seem to flow. Thank you so much! Merry spring!

How would you say "upcoming" in Spanish?getting late

upcoming: pr贸ximo, or venidero

How would you say "upcoming" in Spanish?regal theater opera theater

i agree with martha
i would say "que informar谩n a los estudiantes sobre los pr贸ximos eventos deportivos"
I would say "sobre los eventos de deportes que vienen".
pr贸ximo, venidero

que informar谩n a los estudiantes sobre los pr贸ximos eventos deportivos.
que informar谩n a los estudiantes sobre los eventos venideros en materia de deportes.

but it's better if you say:

"que informaran a los estudiantes sobre proximos eventos deportivos".

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?

At 19 months old I would think he should at least say yes or no. All he does is speak gibberish . We are having him tested soon. Hearing tests also. I am wondering,could he be Autistic?

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?ballet

I wouldn't worry about autism at this point. Autistic kids develop language normally until between 24 to 30 months, when they regress.

There are many reasons for speech/language delay that have nothing to do with autism (which seems to be the "most popular" developmental problem today).

You are wise to have him evaluated now so intervention can begin early, if it's needed. I wish more families were on top of this the way you are.!

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?globe theater opera theater

Ok, just to be on the safe side you need to talk to your pediatrician, and meet with a Speech Pathologist... By 19 Months he should have a short list of vocabulary....

I know children develop at different ages, but saying now words by 19 months doesn't fall into the normal age appropriate table I am looking at.

He could have a hearing problem and if it's not attended to immediately and can delay is language aquisition.
Before you start putting labels on him, take him to a pediatrician. I had to insist that my son be checked by an audiologist and child psychiatrist, before anything was done.

The child psychologist told me there was nothing wrong with my son's brain. In fact, he was showing a high I.Q. and doing things that he shouldn't even think about for several more years. He was 2 years old at the time.

The audiologist found that he had moderate to severe deafness.

After we obtained hearing aides, and I started teaching him sign language and to read lips, he became more active and vocal. His first actual word, when he was about 3 years old, was "sugar." I cried when he finally spoke.

So have your grandson see his pediatrician and INSIST on tests being run. You may be surprised.
My step-daughter only had 5% hearing in both of her ears until she was 5 years-old (My husband's first wife was sick with cancer so they didn't realize she had a problem with her speech/hearing). She had tubes put in and she could hear fine, but since it took so long for her to be checked it did affect her balance and speech. Getting him checked ASAP will be best. Even if it is Autism. Early intervention is better.
NOOOOO! Children learn at different rates! As long as he UNDERSTANDS what you are saying, hes fine. I look after children aged 14-24 months and parents are always asking this, give your child time dont force them. I know children that havnt really spoke until after their 2nd birthday. It will happen, just wait
No really a lot of boys dont get verbal until around 2 1/2 our boy is 26 months and just starting to say words we understand. Try speaking the words very clearly and asking him to say them too. For instance ask what he wants milk or juice? Then he has to respond at first it may seem like its not working but it does.
i became concerned when my 2 year old son didn't utter a word (now 7 years old ) i did notice some other things though like he kept banging his head when he would lay down and drink and when he was put down on the floor to play with toys he just wasn't interested.he then got really bad tantrums and i ended up taking him to see a doctor who then got us in contact with a consultant and it turned out to be that we have a little boy with autism.When he started playschool he started saying mummy and daddy and it was fantastic i am not saying that your grandson has autism but it could be many of things just sharing my story

Only YES or NO answers please.... should i brake up with my bf?


Only YES or NO answers please.... should i brake up with my bf?sheet music


Only YES or NO answers please.... should i brake up with my bf?state theatre opera theater

Without a good reason..No
uhmm thts pretty dumb if your gonna rely on this we need more information on why!! so NO! untill u give more info
it depends...You didn't put any information about why you should or why your shouldn't. I pretty sure he is a nice guy so I would go with no.
NO !!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people say autism is a deasese?

Its wrong. I have autism and I function good. Yeah I have a few social problems but I can overcome that. I have friends.

Yeah I find it hard to get girl friends but one day I will over come it.

Autism triggers social problems.

Well let me tell all you autisic people out there. When you have problems socialiseing because of autism, just face your fears ok?

People are scared of spiders, oh look they go to see a theorpy and there cured from not being scared of spiders. If you have social problems due to autism just face your fears and DARE yourself to talk to a girl/future mate. After you do that you will not be scared of being social.

I hate it just hate it when these sore dumb assas say that we autistic people will never be able to over come OUR condition and we will remain trapped in the autistic shell

Let me give you guys some news, there is no shell in autism.It is a condition you can overcome. Yes it will still with you but you can over come it.

Why do people say autism is a deasese?headache

what u saying is right

u also have to think about when people say 'disease' .. the term is just a medical term rather than an offensive word .. 'disease' simply means a condition that can/or can not be treated .. 'dis' (is a greek word means opposite of ok or good) and 'ease' (is english ease) so it is 'no ease'

there are other medical terms such as:



disorder ..etc

Why do people say autism is a deasese?paramount theater opera theater

Anyone who says autism is a disease is incorrect; its a syndrome not a disease. It is a collection of common symptoms - a syndrome.

But, people have a tendency to generalise. People have a tendency to believe the worst cases of autism are the norm, and that those with the syndrome, are confined to living under the guidance of guardians for their life. Which is, as im sure you know, not true.
*CHEEERS* i agree its not a disease like most people say. while it is possible a disease while your being born or shortly after, may cause it.

i believe facing autism is fighting intelligence. because people see us (me included) as a retard. technically we may seem like it. but only because our minds are so intelligent we can neither understand it nor express it.

while it is possible to overcome this (i still am... i have only been truly alive for 6-7 years despite im about 3x those ages) i believe we will carry a portion of it for the rest of our lives.

good luck people. i personally have no intent of being seen as a retard. i intend to get useful at something no matter what. (probably computers.)

tip. dont be afraid to start a grade over if you have to at school. getting a grade done in a year has become such a social thing, that people who dont are considered retards. but think about it. either you do and end up going too fast. or you take your time and pass with flying colors at a higher age.
I don't know, it irks me to.

Thank You for getting the facts out there.

Good Luck and Take Care
Autism isn't a disease so anybody who says that is ignorant about it. It is just a different way of being - just as some people are very creative or very emotional. Autistic people have varying talents, abilities and different ways of viewing the world that others don't have, just as creative or quiet or loud people have different strengths.

For some people autism affects their life a lot - for others it doesn't - like you said it is a syndrome and the more you know about it the better. What might be seen as social problems by some people might be seen as social positives by others depending on what you look for in a person.

I'm scared to say I love you first...?

my bf and i have been going out for 6 months. i love him but neither of us have said it yet. We are taking a trip together and usually spend at least 3-4 days/nights a week together (neither of us are interested in having sex until marriage though so its not just about that - we really have a lot in common). He always asks if i like him and when i say yes, he says "how much?" so far i just answer "a lot" because i really want him to say it first. The most he's said is "wow, I like you a whole lot" . why doesn't he just say it? should i just say it already or will that scare him away if he doesn't quite feel ready?

I'm scared to say I love you first...?plays

It's natural that you both feel a little nervous to be the FIRST one to say it - you're both afraid the other won't reciprocate. It sounds like he really loves you though so don't worry! Life is too short to let your fears hold you back. What's the worst that could happen? He says "oh...I'm not ready to say that yet." You'll be embarrassed but you'll still be dating a wonderful man that you love and he will come around in his own time. I doubt that will happen though. Or you can do what I did with my husband.....I said "I know this sounds crazy....but I want to say something and I'm afraid to...." - he knew what I wanted to say so he went ahead and said "I know what you mean....and I love you too." :)

I'm scared to say I love you first...?opera ticket opera theater

If you two know how you feel about it each other, then why wait? Make sure that he feels the same way. Many times, we men aren't as aggressive as women would like us to be. I suggest you make this spark happen, but not all the time. Make sure it is romantic though. lol
go for it :) if you just say "a lot" he`ll be hoping for a bit more i think hes nervous to which i find funny ( in a good way) just go for it and say whats on your mind :) me and my girlfreind say i love you loads and we`re only 13 :) ( and i know we probably don`t know the meaning of love but we do haha) good luck and don`t be afraid :)
If you feel it say it. It doesn't matter who says it first. It shows that you know what you want and you are not afraid to show it.
You have nothing to lose! I'm pretty damn sure after you say I love you, he's not going to go completley insane. Just say it! You'll feel so much better.
you should say it..hes probably afraid to tell you because he may not know that the feelings are mutual, so you should say it and relieve him of the pressure
Today you love him but will you love him the next day or the next six months is a long time to love some one it tack time.But if you do love him just say it if he say it good but if he don't F him OK have a nice day
you made me cry just reading your question.yes tell him you love him.if he doesnt love you now would be the time to know dont you think.but i know what he will go for,well,your not doing it,pick up the phone and call and tell want be really you can say it first.
He's probably just as scared to say it as you are, and he's waiting for you to say it first! Don't hold back, just say it! I bet he'll be ecstatic and say it right back to you. Good luck.
I think him asking you that is giving him a clue that he wants you to say "i love you". You should go for it. If you spend all the time together and really think you are in love, just say it. dont hide your true feelings.
your bfs probably scared to say it to
just do will see growing up you will end up using that phrase alot....
the best thing to do is just say what u feel if he says somthing direspectful or hurtful hes not a rewal boy friend!!! so do your thang!!!
No he's probably waiting fo ryou to say it first..just do it if you feel like it..he may be very happy =]
just say i love you whats so hard god...
Maybe he is scared or shy, he will eventually say it. I think you should wait for him to tell you. Its good for the guy to make that move first.
find the right moment.

quiet place.

look deep into his eyes

and just sayit.

and then he will know that you mean it.

and then he will probably say it back.

(if he means it of course)

guys are shy about these things sometimes.

go for it girl!
don wai 4 him. if u love him SHOUT IT OUT LOUD!
Sweetie, you don't say I love you to hear it back. You say I love you because you do love him. No more no less. If he feels the same way now he will let you know. I don't think it will scare him away. From what I get is that ya'll are both scared to say it. What if neither one of you said it then it is too late to say? Trust me, your relationship will go so much better after wards. I mean ya'll are going on a trip together!!! He will be with you and only you. No better time to say the three words " I LOVE YOU". I wish you the best.
true feelings wont scare someone who shares them away. it shouldn't be a contest about who can hold out the longest or say it 1st. if u truly fell this way it will just come out and you wont even realize u said it until after the fact.
Six months is not a long time. If you are abstaining from sex until marriage, doesn't it make sense not to rush the love thing too? Maybe he hasn't said it because he does not feel it. That is not to say that he won't in the future, but I wouldn't push the issue at this juncture in the relationship.
if you mean it say it. maybe hes thinking the same thing and he just doesnt want to say it first?

maybe even try saying it in a jokeing around funny way first and see how he reacts
I think you should say "I'm scared to say I love you, but I think I might..." and see what he says.....
I don鈥檛 know if this will help you but from my own and friends experience if the GUY doesn鈥檛 say it first don鈥檛 say anything! Keep yourself silence.

90% of the time if guys don鈥檛 make the move is because they are not feeling it or they are undecided.

But please you are the judge of your own actions!! Follow your heart 鈥?.
hes proberly scared that u dont feel the same as him. u need to say it, then i can garentee he'll say it bck!

go for it.

whats the worst that could happen?
dont be
say it...u r both scared to say...he obviously loves you and you love him. just b/c u say you love each other doesn't mean you have to have sex. go for it girl!

good luck
I said to my bf "I love you" first, and when I did, he told me he really wanted to say that to me for a really long time but he was afraid it would scare me away. So if you don't try you'll never now, maybe he is ready but haven't told you because of how you may react, the same doubts you are having right now.

I think you should go for it, 6 months and all the time you spend together prove that it is a strong relationship.

Good luck!

Would it bother you? Would you say something?

Would it bother you if your boyfriend was going on sites and messaging other woman? (and i've noticed a trend of big booties and boobs lol) My boyfriend and I have been in a serious committed relationship for over a year. I recently discovered that he has been going on random sites and talking to girls. Yes... I was snooping so, I'm nervous as to how to approach him about this. They are all from the USA (he's in canada) and his profiles all say he's in a relationship... but sometimes he gets kinda flirty. This bothers me even though I know he would never cheat on me or anything. I just want to know if it's normal to get jealous over something like this and if you would say something to your boyfriend about it?

Would it bother you? Would you say something?ms stress

yea, it would really bother me..if i was you.i would say something to your bf, thats not right of him.

Would it bother you? Would you say something?home theater system opera theater

Some people just need social contact with friends and with our ever increasing dependence on the internet, finding friends online is very normal.

But, if he only seems to be be socializing with other girls, personally I'd be concerned.

As a social guy myself, I have lots of people I would characterize as friends. Some online, a lot locally... but most are guys. If a guy is socializing with a lot of women online and getting flirty, there is probably a bit of a straying tendency in him. That is just a guess on my part.
it would bother me and i think you should talk to him about it and just tell him how you feel
Yes, it`s normal to be jealous in such moments and you have to be jealous, my dear! Your boyfriend flirts with other girls? I`d kick him and forget him!
Just as long as he's not physically meeting these people, I guess it's not too bad. You may want to suggest he limits his conversations to friendly banter, simply so you don't feel offended.
He is cheating on u. It may not b physical, but it could turn emotional. I wouldn't like this at all. Ask him about it, I live by 3 little words when it comes 2 relationships-don't trust anyone. That keeps ur head in the game at all times.
jealousy is a normal thing to pple if u are truly positively sure that u trust him then don't say anthing to him cause that'll show him that u don't trust him at all.
super normal,i will get jealous also,any way my bf knows and i tell him when i chat with some of our friends and people we booth know.i don't go to chat to flirt .
If you "know he would never cheat on me or anything" then there'd be no reason to get jealous, would there? The truth is you lack trust...and maybe rightfully so.

Discuss it with him. Chat is no big deal, but seeking out women he finds physically appealing, to flirt with, isn't appropriate behavior for someone in what is supposed to be a committed relationship.
You shouldn't have been snooping is all I have to say...
That is cheating just not in physical could lead to that though..not sure how to bring it up, he's going to be mad you snooped but I think you should. Would he want you doing the same thing with other men? I bet not...
It is normal to have feelings of being jealousy. He should not be on the computer sending messages to other girls it might seem Innocent but it could turn serious over time. I would take to him and let him know how it makes you feel see what he says.
Or go to one of the sites that he hits.... set up a bogus account with someone else's picture on it..(with their permission) and contact him... save any conversations that you have with him and when he incriminates himself.... send him a copy of the saved conversations from your own e-mail.

as a reason for dumping him.

My ex was doing the same thing.... then they were meeting in local hotels......

But then... I like head games..... and have an evil mind when crossed....
I sure would if he were doing that s***!
You should confront him about it. But has it been going on for along time? Ask him about it. He can't lie, you already know.
If you are in a commited realtionship, and you know he would never cheat on you. then let it go. If all the womena are in a different county i really doubt there is a chance of them hooking up. If all his profiles say he's taken then i think he's just looking for something to do.

Take a night and get dressed up suprise him and throw a new twist into your relationship remind him what he's got sitting right in front of him in person

I cant say no!!!!?

rite, these two yr 7 girls that ive never seen b4 came up to me and asked me 4 a bit of my easter egg, i said YES!!!! help me to get confident and say no, how can i do it!!!

I cant say no!!!!?binoculars

I don't think it is about confidence. I think you are very nice. If you really want to say no, say I am sorry I don't want you to eat my easter egg but I can share something else with you. Try to redirect.

I cant say no!!!!?violin opera theater

You're a chick named Kevin? That's just wrong.
What's wrong with sharing?
Carry a taser gun.

It really works.
Say it in a different way. Like, say I cant give you any but you can get one for yourself at home or 7-11.
practice...makes perrrrrfect.
SMASH THE egg on their head and say..there are you happy now!

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their

Last time they did this, and we said "yes".. they stayed for almost 6 months...and it got bad because they never paid for anything... pretty expensive having two grown "children".. Have to pay for more food, more gasoline, more electricity... They don't even say thanks when they leave!! and if they's sort of a "thanks..but it was your obligation anyway"... I'm tired of it..

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their feelings?performing arts center

Whether you say it in a nice tone or not, their feelings will get hurt. You are the man of the house, YOUR HOUSE. You need to put your foot down. It's hard having family stay with you, and they are freeloading off you, I know.

You really don't need an explanation because it's your house. Tell them and if they get upset, oh well. They need to learn how to fend for themselves, and stop interfering with your household.

Good Luck.

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their feelings?sunshine opera theater

You are not going to be able to avoid some hurt feelings, but you will be able to smooth things over.

Let your parents know that the last time they stayed over, your feelings were hurt and that you want to avoid the hurt in the future by not having them over for extended stays anymore.

Make some definite plans to do some things together when they do come to town to let them know that you have not stopped loving them it's just that you can't stay under the same roof.

Good luck!
tell them you are in the process of moving, but don't give them the new address
Tell them the truth. They are your parents after all, you should be able to talk to them. Tell them they are always welcome at your home and you love having them but things are a little tight and if they could help out a little it would be greatly appreciated. Good Luck
All things considered - they did that for their children and now you know what it's like --- laugh it off and enjoy your parents, they won't be around forever... also you and the wife can takeoff on the weekends - just say it was already planned and it can't be changed --- that will give you two chances to be away during those long stays....
told them that ur coming this time but dont go

if they come this time so dont give them much rest here and dont let them feel very well so they wont come again

but parents took care of u when u were a child they make u a young man now its time 4 u
It is kind of hard to say no to your parents. But just tell them that you and your wife are having problems and you need some time to work things out.
They raised you. Deal with it. They supported you for the first 18 years. They just miss you. Dont push your parents away. They want be around for ever.
Tell them you have rented out the guest room.
Yep .. been there done that ... my parents stayed with me for a "month" %26amp; that turned into 6 months.

It's hard since they're your parents and you want to make sure everyone is happy.

I think if you let them know how much it's going to hurt your household and your relationship with your wife ( not sure if it does .. but I can only imagine - I was single at the time so I didn't have to worry about a significant other )

Tell them financially it puts a burdon on you %26amp; your home. You can't risk your own responsibilities for their mistakes ( or whatever reasons they're living with you ) ...

Hope this helps a little .. and good luck I know exactly how you feel !
Just tell them up front that you are in no position financially to handle the extra expense of house guests. That you would love to see them but they will need to find other accommodations for their lodging. Then suggest a "lovely" hotel near by. Also let them know that your schedule may not be flexible enough for a full month, maybe they should consider a shorter stay like maybe a week so you will be able to free up your schedule to spend time with them. Be firm and do not make excuses to them as to the whys. Good luck, I don't envy your position.
Just tell them that their are come issues within your family right now and that it would not be a good idea for them to stay with you. Find them another place to stay as a suggestion...a nice Hotel etc...

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??

i did not say anything it was sooo shoking!!!! i almost fanted when he got down on his knee. shouldi say yes or no i do not know :/

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??opera score

If you have to ask US, then the answer is NO.

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??musicals opera theater

it depends on the situation. Everyone and every situation is different. Search your heart to try tofind the answer. But if your really not sure what you should say, then i would say you should probably say no, or at least put things on hold and gain s ome perspective as to why you are unsure.
If you love him YES but you have to be mature and weigh in other factors. DO you spend most of your time arguing? Does he have a future where you will not struggle financially. Are you each others sole mates? Does he spend most of his time building you up and supporting you or tearing you down and belittling you. If you can asses your relationship and all seems to be well , then go for it!!! I wish you the best.
if you dont know, say no, marriage is hard you should be absolutely sure that is who you want to be with forever
If you don't know I'd say no.
If you don't absolutely feel head over heels for this guy, and also think you want to marry him, then the answer has to be NO. It's very flattering to receive a proposal, but don't take it lightly. You're being asked to make a lifetime decision. And if you aren't sure, then suggest you give yourselves more time. You simply aren't ready to consider marriage at this point.
Are you SERIOUSLY asking this big of a question to strangers on a website? Damn, I hope he finds a better girl...and learn to spell, dumbass.
if u inlove with him and that is the guy u want to spend the rest of ur life with and have his kids then say yes don't let love pass u by.
are you ready to get married? if you are,then say yes.
only you can answer this one
I would say yes to mine.

Depends if you love him or nor if you don't love him don't accept his proposal and if you do say yes!!!!Easy as Pie!!!!
Do you love him? Does he love you? Does he treat you good? Do you picture yourself with him forever? Is he your world? Do you have fun together? These are things you should take into consideration before saying yes or no. Is your man a good man? But if you don't want to marry him, then don't lead him on. It's not right and he has as much feelings as you do.
I would definitely say yes to mine..we're friends for 5 years now and I'm always wanting him to propose.
say yes or no but don't say maybe.
First of all, I wouldn't be asking a bunch of strangers how to decide your future. But my advice is to ask yourself if you could stand to spend the rest of your life with him. You didn't say how long you've been together, also... I'd say try to go for at least a year. It gives them time to get the real person out.. incase they may be hiding it. Ultimately though, I'd say this question is dependent upon your own decisions.
If you love him, say yes
No one can answer that question for you. You are gonna have to make a life-changing decision like that on your own. Besides you left out alot like how your relationship is with this man. Do you love him? Can you trust him with your life? Communication, do ya'll have problems with that? It sounds like you have alot of thinking to do.
Girl if you love him YES!!!!!
I would be shocked too, because sometimes you don't really know when they'll propose. I would say yes, because if you can see a future with him and love him. For better or lose for richer or poorer, till death you'll part. Really think about it before giving him an answer. Good Luck
Well, when mine asked, I said yes and that was 14 years ago. All went well. You have to go with your heart. If you have reservations about it...DON'T!
do you love him? do you see spending the rest of your life with him?...........if so......then say yesssssssssssssssssssssss
If I loved him more than words could express and I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life without him then I would say YES!
If you love him then you should say yes, but if you have second thoughts and you don't know how you feel then you should not say no. It is not worth it to get married if your not sure!
If he had a ring and has a job and you love him yes.

If not, then don't bother

Good luck
You are pathetic. The guy proposed to you, you told him you need time to think about it and now you are asking strangers what you should say? I hope you say no and I hope he moves on and finds someone better than you
are you kidding me??? say YES! LOL.. whatever your heart feels is what u should say.
If my boyfriend asked me to marry him I would say yes. We are 25 and 26 though. Only you know in your heart if its right or not. I would tell you to wait until ur older, but like I said, only u can make that decision.
i would scream hell yea i would marry u
I had a boyfriend and I said yes. now he's my husband?
Hi when my boyfriend asked me to marry him i said yes straight away as i love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him, But by the sounds of things you dont feel the same way, it also depends on how long you have been seeing each other. It doesnt matter about the age as long as you love each other. If you want to really bad and think you too young that is the only reason not to get married, dont think this way, age doesnt matter if your in love then you know its the right time to get married. Just think your relationship over, think how you would feel if one day he wasnt there, would you be uncontrolably sad, or not botherd. But i think it was really sweet him getting down on one knee, plus getting engaged doesnt mean getting married straight away you can leave marrage as long as you like.But no to long
That's up to you. No one can answer that for you.

Why do men always say our favourite man is GAY?

I've had this my whole life. I've found several famous men attractive over the years; (actors %26amp; music stars,) %26amp; my hubby %26amp; brother %26amp; most other males I know have the hots for Kylie, Beyonce, J-Lo, Cammie Diaz, Kate Winslett, Anji Jolie and so on. Yet virtually EVERY MAN I KNOW; hubby, brother, male workmates etc, ALL say that the men *I* find attractive are GAY.

'Leo is gay', 'Brad is gay' 'Robbie is gay' %26amp; so on..' 30 years ago, I liked John Travolta; %26amp; my male cousins %26amp; my dad said 'he's a puff' (sorry to gay men; I don't mean to offend; this is what THEY said;) %26amp; I liked Donny Osmond too ...Yes you guessed it; the men in my life (dad %26amp; uncles etc) all said he is a 'puff.' And now my hubby %26amp; brother %26amp; hubby's mates etc all say this same thing about my fave males stars.

WHY? I don't say Beyonce's a dyke, or Kylie a muffdiver or Angelina a lezzer or whatever. WHY do men say this? This 'he's GAY' retort is SO pathetic; Is this the ONLY thing they can find to say?!

Why do men always say our favourite man is GAY?greek theater

it is a macho thing. It could be they are doing that to deny they are at least bi them selves. who knows they could do it because it annoys you. It differently a Macho stud thing to put down other guys who may look hotter then them. Could be a little jealousy also.

Why do men always say our favourite man is GAY?performing arts show opera theater

lol.. i was wondering and i also had did some of this thing to others, if u mention leo, yes he is, i mean from the way he act and his pic, cmon..

brad is fine and john travolta is realy gay, i watched him in pulp fiction, and i was like, wow he is so gay!! no offense!

i think it all relly to the macho and manly act or movies selection by actors.. its tough, i know!!

we will not say that, Bruce willis or Denzel washington gay?? why??

cos they had proove it to us that they are manly, you know..

about beyonce or kylie, well girls act diffrent, they are a hotty cos of their body, not of movie selection or pose.. like i said its tough!!

but like who ever u like, its free world after all! ;)
Please...many of the male celebs/artists are gay dear or at least swing both ways...most hot female stars are just hotties...well a few are bi but that's okay with us I see your std hu?? lol

Travolta is so gay though come on...and richard gere...please...I think brad pitt is 100% straight..with jen aniston and angelina how could he not be???
I agree with sassy lass. Men behave like this coz they are jealous of these gorgeous sexy men who lots of women fancy and they can't stand it that they don't have what they have. They are jealous of the fame, the looks, the money, the works. The spiteful remarks like 'oh Leo is 'obviously gay, just look at his photos,' are just ridiculous.

I find it hilarious that most men seem to want to believe that people like Leo DiCaprio and John Travolta and Orlando Bloom and suchlike are gay. JUST because they are not big muscle men, or hard-men who do tough action roles, they must be gay!!! How pathetic and narrow-minded.

The men who say this are so jealous and so insecure. No wonder their women look to other men for something. I couldn't stand that kind of man around me; jealous bitchy and catty. Now men making bitchy spiteful and mean remarks about other men... well THAT sounds a bit gay to me! LOL!

And of course, all the gorgeous sexy women like Beyonce, Kylie, Angelina etc couldn't possibly be lesbians could they?! Oh no, that's not possible! But all the men we fancy are gay! LOL! You men don't know how stupid you sound when you say this! (as well as patheically insecure...!)

What should i say to him?!?!?

Ok, theres a boy (lets call him Mike) and hes gonna ask me out tomorrow at school. And hes actually gonna do it IN PERSON! So i want to say yes, but i depertly need some help on how to word it. I ------%26gt;dont%26lt;------- wanna say something like "Sure, i guess".

What should i say to him?!?!?home theatre

Don't say yes b/c it is too desperate say sure so when he comes up and says"would you go out with me" say "sure"

What should i say to him?!?!?ballet theater opera theater

just say ya he won't care how u say it trust me
You should probably say "Okay."
How about 'yes' or 'sounds good to me'?
say yeah or something like dat it's da best answer to a question like dat lately.
look him straight in the eye and say..."Thank you for asking Mike", I'd love to!

How many people ya think have one top contributer profile then another with no avatar and say racist

you know the ones that say racist things to everything and you cant have a clean intelligent post without one of these idiots popping up like they have no life and live to do it?? watch one say some thing here like the stupid idiots they are...if they do pop up on this one it confirms and they are saying yes I am stupid? Lets watch!

How many people ya think have one top contributer profile then another with no avatar and say racist things?palace theatre

about 100-5000

How many people ya think have one top contributer profile then another with no avatar and say racist things?concert tickets opera theater

I'm not sure about the 'top contributor' thing, but I am SURE there are racist jerks who have several accounts that they use to spread their nonsense.
I don't know why they do that. They just want to stir up people's emotions. At least we use our keen minds to kill them off.
Persons hurriedly planed.BY their caliber they become contributers and their profile and their experience.Not having avatar is some one's whims and fancies
yes there are a lot
Probably.Success usually has an alter-ego.
a lot of immature people will do that. dont let them bother ya.
I think there are around 4537 people that what be so stupid %26amp; ignorant!
dont know
I know that there are some people who have multiple accounts and "stalk" themselves for attention. I also know that there are some who have multiple accounts and use them to complain about people they disagree with so they can get violation notices sent.

You'll find those in every group, seriously.

Abortion..yes or no?

are you for abortion? yes or no?

Abortion..yes or no?regal theater

i am absolutely against it i dont care what everyone says it is murder that is your offspring and you just took its life. people use it as birth control which is wrong. there is no way that i would ever kill something growing inside of me. i dont care if i got raped and got pregnant cause guess what everything happens for a reason. i am not saying that rape is a good thing or i encourage it but if a child comes from it then it comes from it. even if my life is in danger and the baby will live i will take the chance but if both my life and the babys life is in danger and there is not a way either of us will make it through it then that is my ONLY exception. its murder i dont care what anyone says. Women that are able to have kids take life for granite there are people that want kids and cant have them they look at us the ones that can have kids like we just throw miracles away. kids that have abortions because it not in their "plan" you know what **** that because you made the choice to have sex whether you used a condom on BC whatever you still made the choice now own up to it. Babies are miracles NOT mistakes.

Abortion..yes or no?performing art center opera theaterHEEEEEEEEEEELLLLL NO IM NOT FOR ABORTION WHAT ARE YOU STUPID OR SOMETHING! Report It

It's the woman's right to choose.

It seems so easy for those who have never walked a mile in the shoes of those who have had to make such a decision to pass judgment...
MURDERERS!!!!!!!!! You know this is even worse then killing an older person. This loving child has not even too ken their first breath and you already take their life away! IT is sick and if you had an abortion be ready to go to hell because it is killing even if you try to calm yourself down and say its not. Well you can't escape reality and it is. If you don't want an abortion, keep it in your pants or don't spread your legs.
I'm for it most of the time, the only way I am against it is if it's your only form of birth control and your having them every few months then that's a problem. Abortion is OKAY in most cases . And no it IS NOT murder.
It's a woman's choice.

I don't think that anyone is actually for abortion - in a perfect world abortions would not be needed. But I am definitely a supporter and for the right of women to choose.
Are you for murder? Yes or no?

No. I am not.
no no no
i think it should be the womans choice to decide. it depends on the individual situation. in some cases i would be for it and some against it.
I'm definitely against abortion. Children are a gift from God and ending their lives is the same as murder. If we're not free to choose murder without there being consequences abortion shouldn't be different.

Plus, if you think you're ready to have sex then you should be ready to deal with the consequences.
It should be the women's choice. I believe life begins at the moment of conception, therefore, I say NO.

What Would You Say?

Okay Heres The Deal! My Ex Boyfriend From Before I Got Married We Were Together For 7 Years! Anyway I Watched His Baby Sister Grow Up So I Claim Her As My Sister! When We Are Out She Tells Everyone That I Am Her Sister! I Love Thier Whole Family! Her Mom Is Wonderful! Anyway So The Other Day I Started Talking To This Guy Again As Friends Cause He Is Going Threw A Hard Time! Anyway So I Said Something To His Sister And She Just Blurted Out Are You Falling In Love With My Brother Again! Now She Knows Im Happily Married But I Think She Still Has Some Hope In The Back Of Her Mind That We Will Get Back Together! I Dont Know What To Say To Her! Yes I Still Love Her Brother How Do You Love Someone For 7 Years And Then Just Turn It Off You Cant! Anyway So I Will Always Have A Place In My Heart For Him But It Kills Me That She Still Wants Us To Be Together! I Dont Know What To Say To Her I Dont Want To Hurt Her She Has Been Threw Enough! Its Killing Me That She Wants Us Back Together! Help!!!!!

What Would You Say?globe theater

You can't just "turn it off"..You were with your bf for 7 years! that's a loong time..but with time, both of you have moved even got married. So, I would tell your lil sis, that there will be no chance that you and your ex will get back together unless fate decides to change its tune and end your marriage. And in that case, maybe you and your ex were meant to be.

What Would You Say?oper opera theater

Hunny, she just asked a question, sounds like you have your answer, you do still love him and maybe down deep you wish you were, but for her tell her the truth. that you are happily married and that you and her brother are only friends.
This is difficult to read, what's with all the capital letters?
Tell her exactly what you said here.
Tell her that yes you do love her brother and he will always have a special place in your heart and you love her entire family as if they were your own.. but you also love your husband and are happily married. Her brother is now only and will only be a good friend nothing more.
kind of sounds like you may still have feelings for your ex... and how old is the girl?. you should just be able to tell her the truth... (if you know what it is)...
I couldn't answer the question cuz the fact that you started each word with a Capitol letter distracted me.......
Let her know the friendship you have with her has nothing to do with her brother.And the feelings you have for her brother is not the same as you would have for a partner.

Why do people say , the personality matters, but deep down, its the looks?

Like...when someone posts a picture on here asking if they are pretty, or ugly, when clearly they are a regular person, who looks just fine, many people always end up saying that no your not that cute....i guess some people expect the person to look like a model. but the point is, when people say they dont care how the person looks, they only care about personality, it seems that on here, yes they do care about personality but when it comes down to it, the attractiveness is what matters. like a persons attractiveness is what catches ur eye, but without personliaty u dont want them, many of u are like that. but if someone is unattractive, no one would even talk to them! and u guys say that looks dont matter, when they do. so tell me the truth, do u guys really think that looks matter when u wanna talk to someone? or does it only matter when the person needs to catch ur eye?

Why do people say , the personality matters, but deep down, its the looks?state theatre

This is how it goes

People that say this mean:

I wouldnt date a guy thats hot without a personality,

But I wouldnt date a guy that is ugly and has a great personality

Its just how our shallow society works.

Why do people say , the personality matters, but deep down, its the looks?theater opera theater

Its a combination of both for me...Neither is exclusive; I like both looks and personality...But to me, deep down, what matters "more" IS personality...Looks attract me to a woman- yes...They even cause me to hang around her longer because she might look so very nice...But being a guy who is not a kid and not an old man either- I enjoy a girl mostly for her personality, not her "just" her looks...
Someone has to catch your eye before you see their personality right?
I say deep down it is the personality. People without that are not attractive to me. The eye attracts first, because it knows no better.
They want people to think that they can live without a boy but they just want to date.

They say that"you cant buy happiness for a money"but still everything comes to money...?

i have a big problem...

at the moment i'm totally broke...

so i think i dont have to say that, but i need to do something about it...

by the way i have some actingexperience and i've also done bit singing...

and yes, i was an escort for a while, but i realised, its not worth that..

any suggestions?

but only one thing, i'd prefer to be concrete with that, so only concrete offers and talk, not homepages please...

and if it sounds ok, we couldmake an appoitment, i'm in central of london;)


They say that"you cant buy happiness for a money"but still everything comes to money...?paramount theater

its bollox. I'd be happy if I had a shed load of money.

They say that"you cant buy happiness for a money"but still everything comes to money...?theatre opera theater

You Do need money to be happy.You can buy love.When I"m broke,like right now, I'm not very happy.I mean its nice to have family,and your health.But money always makes me happier.
contact a acting agent

sell some stuff you dont want

happiness DONT have to be around money when you have friends and family (mega hint!) lol

Maybe try and get into acting classes .... the royal theatres

Question for everyone! This is a second experiment, what would you say..............................

Now be honest. This is an experiment. Knowing the definitions of certian words and how they have changed what would you say if you were just walking on the street alongside someone else who you did not know and you heard them say

"I have been having a queer day today."

What would your first thought be?

Postscript: It is important to note that when I tried to post this question, Yahoo suggested that it go in the Gay and Lesbian and transgendered category.

Why, just because of the word 'queer?'


Question for everyone! This is a second experiment, what would you say..............................opera ticket

I would assume you had a homosexual experience

Question for everyone! This is a second experiment, what would you say..............................pacific theater opera theater

I would think that something out of the ordinary had happened that got thier attention,as otherwise wouldn't have.
Unlike your first question, this one is less ambiguous. I would think "odd"
Actually, being well-read, my first thought with that particular statement, would not be that that person was having a homosexual day, but rather an odd, or unusual day. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks this way.
The first thing I thought was "weird."
if the word is controvesal...than don't use it.
My first thought would be "really, why?"

Nothing homosexual would cross my mind.

I'm breaking up with my boyfriend and i'm confused on what to say?

My boyfriend and I have been dating only a few days and i've found out he likes to get to close for comfort. I've told him he's my first boyfriend, he's moving way to fast and I don't like him getting so close but he won't stop. I still want to be friends but i'm not sure what to say to him. This is what I have so far:

You know how when you were a kid, you wanted something so badly and then you got it and it wasn鈥檛 what you expected? Well that鈥檚 how I feel about us. I guess I wanted to go out so badly that I didn鈥檛 think things through. I went against all that I was for and about to go out with you. I willingly disobeyed my parents and my morals just by saying yes. And the truth is I don鈥檛 like you the way I wanted to. So I鈥檓 breaking up with you. Please don鈥檛 take this the wrong way. I鈥檓 not breaking up with you because what happened on Friday or because I like someone else. I鈥檓 sorry. Just know that I鈥檒l always remember you as my first real boyfriend.

I'm breaking up with my boyfriend and i'm confused on what to say?home theater system

Well you have tried talking to him and that didn't work. So just break it to him lightly, but not over the phone or online. That's just too harsh.

Simply say that you think things aren't working out and that you need some space. Don't go into too much detail or anything. Breaking up with someone is a hard time for both people in the relationship. Keep that in mind. If he refuses to leave you, then ask him if he would be your best friend. But don't just walk away after you say that its over. Give him a quick hug.


Good Luck!

I'm breaking up with my boyfriend and i'm confused on what to say?the grand theater opera theater

it sounds nice.. but if its about what happend on friday.. let him know...
Sounds great. Not confusing. Not lies. Just plain straight-forward truth gets the job done. Remember this for all subsequent break-ups.
What you say isn't nearly as important as how you say it. The best thing you can do is say it yourself. Use your mouth and his ear. No phone, no letter, no having your friend do it. Go to him, face him, and say what you have to say. There's no other way here. I know that shoots your letter all to HeIl, and it is very nicely written, but letters are not good for breaking up. If you have something to say, you should say it yourself. Anything else makes you weak.
tell it to him through SEX
also say,

to me you have been coming on really strong and it doesn't feel right to me. I feel that being friends was way easier then the pressure of this relationship and i want to go back to being friends if thats ok with you. i really care about you, but only as a friend. I'm sorry.
I think what you've got there is great, that's all you really need to say. None of that crap about remaining friends seeing as he's moving away anyway... good luck =]
Well first of all if he doesn't stop when u ask him 2 and ur breaking up with him 4 it then u r completely right. But just say to him i thin k we are not good as bf and gf b/c u want to be in a level of our relationship that i am not ready for. I just want to be friends. If he says he won't be pushy any more don't believe him. Some not all but some guys only want one thing from there realtionships. Just break it off now b4 u do something u r going to regret. Go out with some 1 who respects u.And since he is moving away u don't have to talk to him in person. If he decides to still be friends.
just tell him the truth, and if you don't want to hurt him then tell him anything you want...

but don't be with him if you don't feel comfortable, relationships are about the two of you feeling comfortable with each other... not only one. What you feel counts too!
say there is this other guy

I need some romantic ideas to say thanks?

Ok, I need some ideas to do something special for my boyfriend. I have been going through some real tough times with my family and lately havent been the happiest person to be around! And my awesome b/f has been by my side eveystep of the way!!! Totally supportive and putting up with my grumpy butt, And I want not only to tell him how much he means but to show him as well! So if yall can help me out i would appreciate it!! I am open to anything! Yes i know many of you will say sex, which is good lol but try to make it a little more special than that! Thanks

I need some romantic ideas to say thanks?violin

I would say to truly show him how appreciative you are, make a romantic dinner, something you know he'll love. Draw him a warm bath, and "bathe him of sorts", and then give him a nice sensual massage, explaining that he helped you deal with your tension therefore you will help with his. Then get down and dirty, I mean all men loved to be thanked that way. Also a series of endearing "I appreciate you" notes would be nice (ie glove box in his car, lunch sack, desk, coat pocket, etc) He'll be happy simply knowing you do so appreciate his support! Good Luck!

I need some romantic ideas to say thanks?chinese theater opera theater

A simple red rose -- always the best!

Sounds like you have a great guy!!

Good Luck!!
Make your own personal "thank you" card. That way, you can

write anything you want and express exactly how you feel about

his help, support, and understanding. Then (if you can) cook

his most favorite meal and deliver the card halfway through

dinner. [ girlfriend just said, "No!", give it to him after the main

course but before dessert.] That should do it for you.
cook for him his favourite dish for dinner and say thanks for being with you all the time and cheer you up...

you are lucky to have such boyfriend....
tell him you had a bad day again and want t o go for a walk in the park. have a friend set up a picnic for you and leave it about 10 min. before you get there. surprise him. Or make him a batch of cookies or muffins with a message on each one, say thanks, love ya, my #1, things like that. that or buy him some aspirin and a pillow, when he asks what its for just say the headaches i gave you and apillow to sit on cuz i was a pain in your but!!!! lol...yo might get a laugh out of him!!!!! good luck girly!!!
hey ok, i've heard the way to impress a guy is through his stomach, and trust me, i've tried it! it really does work... our guy might feel so impressed and maybe even touched.. i suggest cooking up a real nice dinner with all his favourites in a candlelight, just the two of you and sharing an ice-cream with him in the cold during a night walk, it's really romantic and it shows him that you care! =) and it's said that guys like to receive flowers from their girls too! you might want to try that! all the best! xD
Make him his favorite dinner. Bathe him. Massage him.
tell him that he is really special to you and spend more time with him than you do now. or you can take him to a place that is really special to him or a place he's never been to before. then he would realize you really are something special and want to stay with you.
Take him away for a romantic weekend (or overnight) somewhere. Doesn't have to be far away, just somewhere nice with good room service. Or do something ,tickets to a concert or sporting event you KNOW he likes but isn't your top priority he'll know you appreciate him and are doing something just for him.
anal sex
Very simple..Give an attentive ear..trusty hugging...enchanting talks..mesmerising eyes of love...lot of things are there for saying romantic thanks.........
u guys should go some place like the place were u guys first went out on a date and then just talk about things

Simple yes or no?

yes or no do you consider yourself a christian?

Simple yes or no?sunshine


Simple yes or no?star theater opera theater


What is a Christian? Those who are living by the spirit of God and NOT the sinful nature!
Yes. I got nothing else to be but nothing, which won't do me any good.
YES! :-)
christ, no.
nopety nopety nope

but in a sense, maybe I am.

since I believe in Jesus but I don't follow Paul..
No and never and u

i hate christian

in the day of judgement jesus will punish the christian for following the false religion...

p.s. Thank God for spell check.
Peace and blessings be upon you

i believe in the God .

i believe in the jesus.

Despit that ;

i am muslim.
Yes and no

A yes or no question----?

just a simple straight out answer. i have a friend who is bringing my frienship with another person down cuz all we do is care and wonder and just talk about them. not focusing on our own. been friends with him for 5 years her for 5 months but as friendship. should i end the friendship with him? cuz all his problems and all his weight is bringing ours down and it has to stop. me or her have to do something about it cuz it hurts us.

in need a yes or no and reason why on what should i do?peace

A yes or no question----?musicals

Please focus on your own choices and decisions in life. There will be things that are under your control, things that you can influence directly, and those outside of your control. The choices and decisions of your friends can be influenced by you but they are ultimately thier own decisions. Do not focus your energies on your friends lives unless they ask for your help. Don't talk about them behind their backs. It sounds like you are obsessed with what they are doing. Concentrate on your own life. Hang with your friend when you want to. Don't agree to discuss or wonder about your friends relationship with your other friends. Please stop worrying. Your friend is an adult. If what he is doing directly affects or hurts you in some way. Stay away from him because he is toxic. Save yourself. You are worth it.

Thank you sweety, take care, have some fun,


A yes or no question----?opera songs opera theater

No. 5 years is a lot more than 5 months. Which one is more important to you? Take into consideration your thoughts and what you want. Good Luck and don't stress to much on it!
if the friendship has gotten to the point where all it does is bring you guys down, then yes. a friendship should enhance your life, not bring it down. sure, there are going to be tough times but it shouldn't turn toxic. Plus you guys should concentrate on your own problems too before they get out of hand. You have to take care of yourself, if you don't then you won't do anyone or yourself any good. It's really a two part question. take care, buddy. let me know what happens.
r u krazzi u wanna end a relationship with ur friend for 5 years over a friend for 5 months if I were you i would think about tha decision carefully!!
Who do you like more? Basically it isn't about quantity it is about quality so any amount of time with someone who brings you down isn't worth another single minute of your time.
I think you need to talk to him about it before you decided wether or not you should break up the friendship, he might be jelous. But if you can't work it out you need to decide who is more important the girl or the guy! But if you can't work it out i would say yes end it.
for 5 month friendship are you goin' to lose 5 years' friend? Idiot!
This is not a yes/ no Q.

A friendship of 5 years is quite a thing.

Since we do not have details, it is not an easy Q.

Like why he says what and she is against him.

Who knows how she is and what motives she has in ending this friendship.

I'd sit and talk with the 5 year friend. A frank talk and see what happens.

Why do people say that there is more than one?

unforgivable sin when there is only one. saying that there is no god. murderers, suicide comitters, rapists they all go to heaven they just have to repent. suicide i hear is a common misconception. comitting suicide you are not killing your soul, you are killing your body yes god will confront you and say why'd you do this on judgement day but they still can go to heaven. we've all made mistakes. and if we believe we can still go to heaven. all you have to do is believe. nothing else matters!!!

Why do people say that there is more than one?performing arts show

you make it all seem so light, when in reality yes you can repent and go to heaven but the changing process is not so easily done, when it does sometimes takes years to repent, becasue repenting is changing your ways and never doing it again, to put an end to what you have done and for some people to break habbits is like trying to bend metal, it can be done but it does take time.

Why do people say that there is more than one?opera cd opera theater

Yes!...I know what you mean! answer is : hardly anyone reads %26amp; believes the (Bible)- Word Of GOD these days!, it's free for all!.......everyone seems to be tutting their own horn outside of what GOD Says!......LOL!
There is no God.

Now I'm f*cked.
No true believer would ever commit suicide. There are people who think that they are saved, but they are not. Anyone can mutter words just to get rid of a preacher or an evangelist, but god reads the heart. If Jesus is not in the heart, then the person is not saved.
The only unforgivable sin is Blasphemy sgainst the Holy Spirit, and that translates into rejecting the Holy Spirt's Call to repentance, no one but God knows who commits that sin, so it cannot be accused to anyone, as only God knows this, and a person who commits this sin, does not know that he or she has nor cares, as the Holy Spirit has left that person and will not return.
