Saturday, December 5, 2009

...People say if u love someone let them go...but what happens when your heart dissagrees with your

....they say it is better to have loved than not what happens when you love so much that it starts to hurt and things that were arent the same anymore. What happens when your heart tells you its time to leave but your feet wont move. What happpens when love hearts so bad at times but feels so good like its everything that you've been searching for? But something says this isn't you but another part of you says you've put so much time and commitment into this and its been so long of course this is you this is where you want to be. But then you have the most best day with that special one and you can feel butterflies in your stomach and something says yes this is where you belong but then later something happens and your like why am I even here?

...People say if u love someone let them go...but what happens when your heart dissagrees with your mind?performing arts center

All of the feelings you're having are because love is such a complicated thing. It's beautiful, but the feelings never stay the same. My Mom always told me there's a thin line between love and hate. She said there will be days when you can't stand your spouse and then days when you love them like nothing else. I agree with her.

In your situation, if you're not 100% sure you want to leave, then don't. Try spending some time by yourself and really think about what YOU want. When you feel at peace, you will know what to do. Hope this helps :)

...People say if u love someone let them go...but what happens when your heart dissagrees with your mind?sunshine opera theater

love shouldnt be question when u find that right person then u will know
pain%26amp;pleasure is right on track...when u find the right guy ALL your questions will be answered except one...where has he been all my life, and as long as he's with u then, u really won't need that answer either.

good luck and GOD bless.

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