Saturday, December 5, 2009

A question to chritians who say jesus is God?

first of all I have to say that I disagree with you on some of your beliefs but I respect you.and my aim in asking this is not to annoy or disrespect you, but to share my point of view with you

ok if jesus was God , not a creature of him how could people look at him,

God's manifestation would be too beautiful that it wouldnt be possible to look at it with our physical eyes , and physical world has no capacity to manifest God`s beauty , power , knowledge

I believe he was a great prophet of God, and all of his miracles including giving birth of virgin Marry was with will and permission of God that doesnt make him son of God or God that was the will of God.

and I believe God is the best in everything (he is perfect, most powerful, all knowing, most kind .... ) and logically it is impossible to have more than one best in everything.

and If I am correct, Jesus once said Only God Know the hour,

yes because God is al knowing.

A question to chritians who say jesus is God?performing art center

It's religious mythology - You can't expect it to make any sense.

A question to chritians who say jesus is God?theatre tickets opera theaterJesus never said he was God, he always said he was the son of God Report It

First of all Jesus is described as God's "only begotten Son"

Secondly he is described as being in existance with God before the world was

Thirdly he's in the God head.

Fourthly men can look at divine creatures, but yes they are blinding, look at all the OT and NT times when people would see angels, great prophets would faint, fall to their knee's etc. Sinners are erradicated in the presence of such divine power.

Also look at the transfigurement of Christ, if you look in the Bible you will find countless examples why Jesus is the Son of God.

last of all, did you know that Christs kingdom will be set up on this earth as a literal kingdom? Christ himself ascended into Heaven in his physical form, and promises the same to his followers. Also, the end time people (probably us) will have to stand in the presence of God himself without a mediator (Jesus is our mediator). Boy i hope to be rid of sin from my life by then !!
Jesus is the flesh that came from the Spirit of God. He's the Son of God that came down to be the living sacrifice for all of man kinds sins that believe He is. Jesus is waiting at the right hand of God for that hour. And it seems that it'll be soon due to our Bib;e says. The Arab nations along with Russia are to try to destroy Israel, and that's when Jesus will come and only He will save His nation. But all who believe in Him and receive this sacrifice for their sins will also belong to Him. No matter your race,age, what you have done, He can clean you up.
It is one of the greatest of the christian mysteries that Jesus is true God and true man. We call it the Hypostatic Union. It was effected by the Incarnation (the assuming of flesh of the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity) by the power of the Holy Spirit from the Virgin Mary.

During the life of Jesus the glory of His divinity (that was for the most part conceled) shone through on Mount Tabor.

After His ressurection it was obvious to everyone.

Actually, since you believe God to be allpowerful it wouldn't be impossible for him to assume human flesh, would it?

God bless.
not only jejus , we also son of almighty but we can`t use our time to society or humunity therefore we are not able to even understand meaning of life . god is formless .omnipresent , omniscient . god never take birth therefore never die. jejus donated his whole life to community who want to know lords grace for humunity.
well he'd also have to be psychotic for claiming to be God incarnate. despite what the davinci code says, that is why he was crucified.
everyone on earth knows jesus is god son but jesus was god in human form when he was alive in the biblegraphical days.Theres some differences in God and Jesus, and if you want to know what the differences between God and jesus then if i was you i would ask god when im dead.
No one should not say like that because Jesus also an human being and he is prophet of GOD . He is idol of god Jehova

but the bible says that the jesus is the only way for reaching the God

so people belives and prays jesus

and that is absolutly right what u r saying that we can't see the god
I am glad that you ask this question. My only advise is that you should get a Bible and read John 1. You would see that the Word was God and the later on the Word became flesh. After Jesus was baptized you will aslo see that God called Him His son. We can go on and on about this but the fact is that the Bible teaches us all we believe. That is why I serve God for He makes the impossible possible.... (Plz go check on John 1)

Be blessed
He is God, very God, from the beginning through eternity.

1. He referred to Himself as a Deity

Joh 10:30 I and the Father are One!

Joh 8:58 Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham came to be, I AM!

John 8.28: Jesus therefore said, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am, and I do nothing on My own initiative, but I speak these things as the Father taught Me.

The Garden scene (John 18.5): They answered Him, "Jesus the Nazarene." He *said to them, "I am." And Judas also who was betraying Him, was standing with them. 6 When therefore He said to them, "I am," they drew back, and fell to the ground. 7 Again therefore He asked them, "Whom do you seek?" And they said, "Jesus the Nazarene." 8 Jesus answered, "I told you that I am; if therefore you seek Me, let these go their way,"

2. He accepted worship as God

John 20.28: Thomas answered and said to Him, "My Lord and my God!"

John 9.35ff: Jesus heard that they had put him out; and finding him, He said, "Do you believe in the Son of Man?" 36 He answered and said, "And who is He, Lord, that I may believe in Him?" 37 Jesus said to him, "You have both seen Him, and He is the one who is talking with you." 38 And he said, "Lord, I believe." And he worshiped Him.

3. He was put to death for blasphemy - He claimed to be God

4. He died and rose again. Only someone who is Deity can defeat death.

To call Him anything but Lord and God is an insult to Him, don't patronize Him by calling Him a mere prophet. He was either a liar, a lunatic or Lord. There is no other option.
They just don't care and won't believe anything you say. Unless you have 2 wings and pretend to be like the angel of Gabriel.
As an Orthodox Christian i see on your thoughts the heretics of the 4rth century like Arius.

Your thoughts have been answered from the Ecumenical Synods

So start to read.
Thanks to open minded view-Jesus according to the Holy Bible is not God.He was the first creation of the universal soverign. He stood besides God in all his works alike creation and other things. And, so obtained, the place of the so called the SON of God. According to the Bible God's name is JEHOVAH, which was taken out from the Bible by the translaters. When you go through the old scripts or the original words you can find out this.In the Hebrew and Greek scriptures it is given as YHWH,{Jehovah} In those days only consonants where used, vowels were avoided. There are many examples to prove that Jesus is not God eg., in the begining of all St. Paul's letters to the congregations he blesses the in the name of the God and his son and the holy spirit. Dear friend this is a vast subject, where christians themselves are not interested to go through in details because of many reasons. If you want to know more about this contact me through my email. Thanks
Jesus/God loved humanity so much and wanted to connect with us so much the only way he could do it was become one of us.........and then he can totally identify with us and we can identify with him. Plus Jesus was so humble he did not see it fit to make himself equal with God...he was on earth to be a servant to get a very important thing done....and that was to bring humanity back to God. In God's wisdom, the best way to do that was the most relationtional way....through 'God in the flesh' (I mean it's kind of hard to respond to a mysterious voice or a ghost or something......people have relationships with it's easier to have a relationship with God...because we can have a real relationship with a 'person' who was real just like us....isn't that awesome!!)
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Psa 18:30 As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.

The Word of the Lord id jesus. He is the one who was tried. So Jesus is God. If you don't believe, ask him to open your eyes, for only then will you truly see.
Jesus is not God, he is the son of God.

Jesus is "The way to God" is maybe what he meant.
u should share your 'point of view' in some antichrist websites

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