Thursday, December 10, 2009

Has man-kind evolutions process stopped? Yes or NO and Why?

Can mankind escape the confindment of earth's environmental barriers?

Yes or No and Why?

Will mankind's intelligence and physical characteristic evolve into a celestial being capable of existing in hostile and challenging environments outside this planet?

Yes or No and Why?

Has mankind evolved to its furthest point and can only engineer artificial mechanism that can maintain limited earths pressurization, field of energy and platforms in hostile space?

Yes or NO and Why?

Has man-kind evolutions process stopped? Yes or NO and Why?performing show

Because we've been able to develop technology to help us cope with the environment, we no longer rely on evolution to select survival traits for our species.

However, it is possible that sometime in the future, an environmental change might occur that technology fails to help us with. The result would be horrific: billions dead, much of the population wiped out... a very bad scene.

The survivors, however, might carry some characteristic that allows them to tolerate the environmental change, and continue to procreate.

That would be evolution working within the human race.

Has man-kind evolutions process stopped? Yes or NO and Why?opera score opera theater

No, mans evolution will continue until his extinction.
Here's my answers 1.No 2. No 3.No 4.No

Why? Mankind doesn't evolve. Our intelligence has limits..we only use less than 10% of our brains. Why? It's called imperfection.
the law of enropy is applicable to the life of man, we are devolveing.

sickness is on the rise,

earth conditions are worsening,

all a result of mankind rejecting God, trading the truth for a lie and following after our own futile substiutes.
Well ... I think different .... MAN is EVOLVING ....Evolution is not going to stop.... Reasearches have proved that a baby which is born at a later poin of time ...has atleast 1 neuron more than the person born before it ... And we know that the more neurons you have the more will be your brain power (Imagine our head size after say a thousand years) that also explains the evolving technology .,.... thought the evolution is not at a fast rate (Evolution never is :D ) ...we can never say that we have stopped evolving ... Our brains continue to evolve and so is our technology style ..etc etc .etc
Evolution can not ans will not stop until life stops
Yes, man can move beyond Earth. But that will take place much later than most believe, I think. Of course there will be experiments with colonization in the next couple of decades, just because we're so darned curious. But as far as overcrowding here, we have miles of Earth's crust to burrow into, and then a big blue sea to colonize, long before we shoot off to take bigger chances.

Yes, to a very limited extent. The extreme globalization of man's self image, and the very powerful way in which culturally we ingrain the five-fingered-five-toed-large-chest-smal... ideal into ourselves, will limit or at least delay any physical changes. As our dependance on artifacts for survival increases, many of our features will become more and more vestigal (think: four of our toes, our appendix, the ability to wiggle our ears) but will still tie in with sexual attraction. The one exception is that women may end up with bunny ears. As far as adaptation to hostile environments, I feel that that is unlikely. Technological sophistication erases that need, unless there is some catastrophe.


Yes, but not too soon,

Yes-ish, but not to any meaningful extent,

Not really, although meaningful evolution is slowed down considerably.
why do we experience back pains? because our spinal column is yet to be perfect for an upright stance. what's the use of the human appendix? it's a leftover from evolution. why does our brain only function at 10%? because it is yet to develop fully.

Apparently, we humans should still be evolving. problem is, natural selection, the driving force behind evolution, is not doing its magic. Modern man uses technology to supplement the needs of the sick and/or disabled, or others. Nature could not "select" those with "favorable" genes.

Man's exploration, and possible colonization, of space will probably alter some characteristics of man, such as weaker muscles, so and so. But it's unlikely that man will "evolve" some unique feature. because, as mentioned, man uses technology to supplement his inadequacies.
Well- I really WISH I knew!! Wouldn't that be exciting?

One theory that's been tossed around is that humans are done evolving, period. Like, not even for little changes - because human civilization removes us too much from natural patterns; we've created an artificial environment that inhibits species change. I don't know, just a theory; continued crazy evolution sounds cooler to me :)
yes, but not if osama succeeds in blowing us up.
Real simple the world changes so will we. Human beings are the most adaptive creatures on earth, therefore....evolution of man continues.
Man's evolution has stopped: The theory of natural selection shows that only the strongest survive. This is no longer the case, the sick, the weak, the ugly all have the chance to procreate. There are no rules against who may have babies and who may not. There are no predators to weed out the elderly, retarded, and weak. For this reason, man's evolution has ended.
right now with the tech that we have now it is not possible because we will not get every crucial detail on new planet. even if we get to that new planet they have to do MAJOR work costing us everything. and adaption is another thing. but unless we have found a new planet event better than our planet i will take just too long to get to.

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