Thursday, December 10, 2009

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?

At 19 months old I would think he should at least say yes or no. All he does is speak gibberish . We are having him tested soon. Hearing tests also. I am wondering,could he be Autistic?

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?ballet

I wouldn't worry about autism at this point. Autistic kids develop language normally until between 24 to 30 months, when they regress.

There are many reasons for speech/language delay that have nothing to do with autism (which seems to be the "most popular" developmental problem today).

You are wise to have him evaluated now so intervention can begin early, if it's needed. I wish more families were on top of this the way you are.!

My 19 month old Grandson still doesn't say one word,what could be wrong?globe theater opera theater

Ok, just to be on the safe side you need to talk to your pediatrician, and meet with a Speech Pathologist... By 19 Months he should have a short list of vocabulary....

I know children develop at different ages, but saying now words by 19 months doesn't fall into the normal age appropriate table I am looking at.

He could have a hearing problem and if it's not attended to immediately and can delay is language aquisition.
Before you start putting labels on him, take him to a pediatrician. I had to insist that my son be checked by an audiologist and child psychiatrist, before anything was done.

The child psychologist told me there was nothing wrong with my son's brain. In fact, he was showing a high I.Q. and doing things that he shouldn't even think about for several more years. He was 2 years old at the time.

The audiologist found that he had moderate to severe deafness.

After we obtained hearing aides, and I started teaching him sign language and to read lips, he became more active and vocal. His first actual word, when he was about 3 years old, was "sugar." I cried when he finally spoke.

So have your grandson see his pediatrician and INSIST on tests being run. You may be surprised.
My step-daughter only had 5% hearing in both of her ears until she was 5 years-old (My husband's first wife was sick with cancer so they didn't realize she had a problem with her speech/hearing). She had tubes put in and she could hear fine, but since it took so long for her to be checked it did affect her balance and speech. Getting him checked ASAP will be best. Even if it is Autism. Early intervention is better.
NOOOOO! Children learn at different rates! As long as he UNDERSTANDS what you are saying, hes fine. I look after children aged 14-24 months and parents are always asking this, give your child time dont force them. I know children that havnt really spoke until after their 2nd birthday. It will happen, just wait
No really a lot of boys dont get verbal until around 2 1/2 our boy is 26 months and just starting to say words we understand. Try speaking the words very clearly and asking him to say them too. For instance ask what he wants milk or juice? Then he has to respond at first it may seem like its not working but it does.
i became concerned when my 2 year old son didn't utter a word (now 7 years old ) i did notice some other things though like he kept banging his head when he would lay down and drink and when he was put down on the floor to play with toys he just wasn't interested.he then got really bad tantrums and i ended up taking him to see a doctor who then got us in contact with a consultant and it turned out to be that we have a little boy with autism.When he started playschool he started saying mummy and daddy and it was fantastic i am not saying that your grandson has autism but it could be many of things just sharing my story

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