Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why cant he except it when i say no?

okay i have this boyfriend right and its like everytime he asks me for something, i know that in my heart that i should say no but when i say no he acts like a f**khead and says" oh i understand u dont love me no more. so u want me 2 ask someone else? but your my girl y should i have 2 depend on someone else?" so like a dummy i give in and say yes (like an a**) cuz he makes me feel like im wrong! help me? if he asks me for something again.......idk what 2 say!

Why cant he except it when i say no?opera ticket

Tell him that it's unfair for him to believe that you don't love him just because you don't want to do something for him. Tell him that you do love him, but you feel used or mistreated. That you don't feel that you have to do everything for him. And that you should be able to have a mind of your own. You're not his slave and you don't have to do everything he says. Tell, him that he makes you feel bad when he does that and that if HE cares about YOU then he should stop being so demanding or controlling. You should be able to make at least 50% of the decisions in a relationship, and if you don't want to do something then you shouldn't have to.

Why cant he except it when i say no?pacific theater opera theater

just say do not let door kick u on way out,.

say no and mean it. its a manipulative trick to get what he wants. JUST SAY NO. everytime u give in, you giving up a piece of u, there is reason why u say no in the first place!
dump him he is using u...
Tell him to quit acting like such a big baby. Stop feeding his ego by playing along with his stupid little game. When he pulls that sh it you say fine... do it. Don't pay it any attention and he'll stop. When someone acts like a 3 year old, you treat them like one.
he wants to make you feel guilty so he gets more stuff don't let him boss you around you are your own you you are a leader not a FOLLOWER!!!
When he asks you if he should have to depend on someone else, you say, "Yes, you should depend on *yourself.*" You're his girlfriend, not his mother, and odds are that the more you give in and baby him the more he'll expect it. If he can't stand up and be a man and handle things on his own, do you *really* want to be with him? There a millions of guys out there who can take care of a lady and won't be a user. He's a user, and you don't want him, honey.
To be honest you just have to tell your boyfriend exactly how you feel and how he makes you feel when he pressures you into something you don't want to do. Sounds like he's trying to manipulate you.
get a boyfriend like fast cuz this guy is a gotta step up tp him if you just sit back and don't do anything your wasting your time.
simple........say no, you should want a man not a boy and if you2 are young then you need to teach him how to be a man and giving him everything he wants is not the way to do that, you're not his mom you should be recieving things from him not giving giving giving come on now lets use our heads here
Dump him. He obviously wants more than you're willing to give freely on your own. Tell him he's being immature and to start respecting when you say no or else you're going to leave him. Go through on what you say so he knows you mean business don't back down on your word. If you do you're showing him it's alright to keep doing it. You've already showed him that he can get what he wants from you, it's not too late to change that though so stand your ground when he starts getting like that.
get a new bf
I would question his motives, It sounds like he is using you. Do you really want to be treated that way by someone who says he is your boyfriend? Heck, anybody could treat you like that, and you are better than that.
hit him in the groin... as hard as you can... and leave his butt.. when you say NO it's NO.. and he should leave it at that.. he just wants the booty...
Don't feel bad because of his stupidity, When you say no that means no and that's it and if he can't understand that to bad for him
Tell him to do it him damn self your his girl not his b**ch

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