Thursday, December 10, 2009

How do you feel and what do you say?

When somebody compliments you? I know some people that if you say: "oh, you are beautiful", they will say: "oh no, I am not". Am I supposed to agree and say: "yes you are are ugly?" lol

How do you feel and what do you say?comedy show

Usually thank them.

How do you feel and what do you say?greek theater opera theater

I usually just wave my hand and say "bah!" and then arrogantly walk off.
I prefer people like that because at least you know they're not vain and arrogant.

I just blush, laugh and say thank you mostly.
i will blushed and pushed away those comments.
usually, i'll answer, "yes, i know that already."

I say, "Thank you very much."
every thing in nature is worth complementing as its perfect,and unique in its beauty
I just thank them whether I agree or not
When someone compliments you, you say thank you simple as that. How do you feel well that's up to you if you feel like returning the compliment do so. If not that's your choice, and if you're rude well then of course you may get something else in return.

Why? Did someone tell you, my.. you're beautiful?
I hate it really bad

and I always say that I disagree, because I do
Just politely say thank you.
if you make me feel bad i won't say nothing to you but if you make me feel good i will say thanks to you.
Usually I say thank you, but it's sort of weird.
i just say thanks
If someone said I was beautiful, I would blush and say thank you. Kinda nerdy. But if I liked him back, I'd say, You too! back at him! *Wink!*
If I compliment someone and they disagree with me, I look at them and say well maybe I will take that into consideration before I compliment you again. Normally that quells any further comments.
Respond in the same manner as the compliment,

was it seemingly sincere or sarcastic.
Um...when someone compliments me, I just give a simple, "Thank you." or "I appreciate that, thanks." and move along.

Nothing to it really...
I don't really care

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