Saturday, December 5, 2009

Am I being too Direct with her if I say this?

I'd really like to take this girl out on a date... but I want to make sure that she is single before I do anything. Do you think I would be too direct with her if I said something like:

::"Are you single?"

- Yea (or some kind of response)

::"We should really hang out sometime..."

I dunno, is this being too direct (like am I coming on too strong)? I'm just trying to figure out what I should say if she says yes, she is single. Or what do I say if she says no, she's not?

Any help please?

Am I being too Direct with her if I say this?regal theater

No, that's not direct at all. In fact, by asking a girl if she's single you are discretely letting her know that you are considering her as a gf. If she says that she is single that's all the more reason to ask her if she wants to hang out sometime. If she says she's not single it may mean that she does have a bf or she's letting you down easy bc she isn't interested in you that way. Remember, the conversation as you made it up in ur head might not go completely as planned. She may ask you why you want to know, to which you should reply depending on if u want her to know you like her or not , either 'because I think u are amazing and I wanted to ask you out' or 'because I don't want to get beat up by a jealous bf'

Am I being too Direct with her if I say this?performing art center opera theater

that sounds good but don't immediately or abruptly ask her that try to work it in your conversation. if she rejects the date don't get your feelings hurt too badly.try to change the words a little like mention "her boyfriend"(which you dont really know she has or not.) and she'll either say"i don't have a boyfriend." or "yeah, hes cool."
say something like: this has been bugging me so i have to ask,do you have a boyfriend? then if she says yes you say ,lucky guy.if she says no then you say ,i was hoping you would say that because what i actually wanted to know is would you by any chance be available on monday (for example)at 6pm(for example)
Cut to the chase...

" Would you like to.... have coffee, see a movie, grab some pizza, take a walk in the park.... (whatever)."

If she's not single, she'll tell you so.

Do not quiz her first; that's bad manners.
Too direct. If some guy said that too me, I would feel like he was way too pushy and probably wouldn't go out on a date or hang out with him.

The best way is to ask a FEW not alot of people and see if they know if she is single, then go from there. If you know what kind of music she enjoys, u can suggest going to a upcoming concert or even just hanging out, something low key to get to know each other.

Good luck!
Instead of saying "Are you single?", it might sound a little better to say "Are you in a relationship right now?". I think it just sounds more proper.
if she's not then leave her alone
BORING. Just talk to her, if she is interested you will soon find out if she is single because she will make sure you know.
Its not direct at all just go easy.
well thats ok but it might be a lil to sudden...ok dude just start a conversation and roll with it then ask her but be settle and smooth dont be worried or feel uncomfertable or you will blo it just be you k
Y not start a conversation and when the right time or question come up state "boy, ur boy friends a lucky guy" (or something in that direction).

Then ur not being direct, and she'll answer with something like " i don't have 1 or yes he is".

There's more than 1 way 2 get and answer without being 2 direct.
Ask her if she would like to hang out. Chances are if she says "yes", then she is single. If she says "maybe" or "sometime" she is single and slightly interested in you. And if she makes up an excuse or is really busy, she might not want to say she is dating someone. have a party and invite a lot of friends! good luck!
Nahhhhhh,,that sounds OK to me
Dont be a baby asking her shows the you intrested, but you gotta make it sound like you've been think bout it a while

ex. ive seen you here a lot lately..........................make it SOUND good
No your not being direct.

If you don't want to approach her with the

"Are you single?"

Then just come out and be real just say;

"Would you like to go for coffee or dinner sometime?"

She will let you know if she is single.

Good Luck
Start you opening line with... 'So, what do you do for fun on the week ends?' most women include their boyfriends in those types of questions, if they have one. Also if she does have a boyfriend it was just an Innocent question, that way there won't be and awkwardness.
that's cool, just add a little more swagger to it.
it would be much better if you said something like "so, does your boyfriend like basketball?" ... What ever the question is make sure it has something to do with her "boyfriend". its a smooth way of figuring it out. She could say, yes he does. Or haha, no I dont have a boyfriend
Yeah...that's kinda being too direct. Ask her out to the bar or to a club or something you both will enjoy. As for the single thing, invite some friends to hang out and invite her and her bf. You'll probly get the answer right if she is single or not.
You sound like a really nice, respectful guy! Yes, that's okay to say, your not being too direct, your just asking a lady out on a date! Just say "I was wondering, if your not currrently involved with someone else, I'd like to take you out sometime" If she says yes, GREAT, have fun! If she says she is in a relationship, well then just tell her, "sorry, I didn't know, he's a lucky guy" and thats it, move on! Good luck I hope she says yes!

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