Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination and why did he allow men to beat Female

Do Christians believe JESUS is the GOD of the Old Testament? .

Therefore, according to Christianity the God of the Old Testament is Jesus.

If you say yes, then you cannot ever deny that he sent the commandments written in the Old Testament.

Someone can say they don’t follow them anymore…ok…. But if they ever deny that he made these commands then JESUS was not the GOD of the Old Testament.

Here is one command JESUS sent down:

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.” ----- Deuteronomy 22:5

If a Christian denies it was ever sent down by Jesus then either Jesus is not their God or they don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Whether these are still enforced or whether these were sent millenniums ago…… are not the question.

The eye opener is that Christians cannot deny that according to their faith JESUS at one time sent this COMMAND down for WOMEN.


Did GOD in the Old Testament tell believers they can BEAT their FEMALE SLAVES until they are UNCONSCIOUS ?

"If a man beats his male or female slave with a rod and the slave dies as a direct result, he must be punished, 21: but he is not to be punished if the slave gets up after a day or two, since the slave is his property.” ---- Exodus 21:20-21

Maybe enslaved men can handle a beating but fragile women would be in pain beyond imagination.

The point being made is not whether or not Christians are released from following the divine law….the point is that if JESUS is the One God of the NT %26amp; OT then he said this about WOMEN.

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination and why did he allow men to beat Female Slaves ?star theater

That wouldn't make sense, because Jesus was a cross dresser. Get it? CROSS dresser?

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination and why did he allow men to beat Female Slaves ?extension opera theater

would anyone even read this??
In the slave passage, I am sure they were referring to men. Back then women weren't really counted in the written form.

I see the point in your argument.

I basically agree with you. Thing is, the OT is the Torah. The Bible of the Children of Isreal (Jewish people). So it's like their God is different from the Christian God. They are like two different entities.

My conclusion is that we have a Creator, who thus has an identity crisis, for each culture has it's own story. Same entity, interpreted differently through the eyes of mortals.
Oh Anthony!
Wow you are right those things were said, so???
What in heavens name has Jesus to do with the Hebrew scriptures?

All accounts of Jesus both mainstream and gnostic indicate that he loved women and everyone (except scripture thumpers). According to the gnostic writings he was married to MM, and their disciples (many women) were teachers. Actually, Mary Magdalene was teaching the apostles, not Jesus. All this female hating came from saint Peter who corrupted the teaching and didn't like MM or women in general.
Exodus is in the old testament. Jesus life is in the new testament. My point being that Jesus wasn't born then. Actually there is a story about him stopping the stoning of a prostitute. It would actually go against everything he stood for. And I am sure he didn't give a damn about who wearing what. He just wanted to share the love of god.
Special dispensation during Hallowe'en!!!

Can't answer the 2nd part of the question since I've never lived in a slave-based society. The scripture doesn't say anything about how the judge felt when he gave that judgment. It's just a clinical law for the situation that was at hand that set the precedent for other slave owners. I think the Jewish people were acutely aware that the Egyptians had made slaves of them.
Jesus did not allow humans to beat their females. They have chosen to do so themselves. Jesus taught respect and love.

God is not his son. Jesus is not his father.

"Then was Jesus led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil. And when he had fasted forty days and forty nights, he was afterward an hungered. And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread. But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of the mouth of God. Then the devil take him up into the holy city, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
Because the Lord Jesus wore womens clothes
no He didnt...its 2am here and im too tired for this...lets keep it sweet and simple...i will need to sleep again soon...
wow christians always credit and then discredit the OT as they please-here is an example-in church they will read and teach stories from the old testament, but when anyone brings a point up from the OT they will say NO thats from the OT,furthermore although Jesus clearly says in the NT I did not come to destroy the law but to enforce it, they still object, BTW thinking that the OT and NT are both part of Gods word and that they can contradict or change laws is like saying God changes his mind, or that God changes important beleifs like whether He is jelous (OT) or can have partners (Jesus and Holy ghost) -you are sayng GOD IS NOT PERFECT???? thats just wrong
People make me LAUGH, seriously. They are so ignorant to believe that A GOD would give a damn about clothes.



In any normal society Religion would not exist.
Nobody who ever knew or saw Jesus ever wrote a single word about him, so in reality he probably never said that, somebody else did.

Okay, good question. The bible is old, you know that. Things were written that could really only be understood back then, in the context of that time. Believe it or not, that phrase was meant to protect the slaves. Slavery was a fact, back then. There are many other examples in the bible, that look insane to us today. But, it is old testament stuff. If you really wanted to find out, you could talk to a rabbi, or Christian priest who is a scholar, to find out what the heck those references were about. Then, it could be explained to you. I can't do it, because it's too complex.

And, I know your next question: why didn't God just say, "no more slavery". It had something to do with working with things how they were, at the time. And, as a Catholic, I don't believe that everything in the Old Testament was guided by God. Much of it is the history of the Jewish people, and how they tried to follow the word of God. It was not easy stuff back then.

Jesus changed many things in the old testament. He made new rules, which commanded more mercy, and changed how the Law was being interepreted, wrongly. For example, he said that divorce was wrong. Well, this actually protected women. Sorry I can't help more.

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