Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination ?

Do Christians believe JESUS is the GOD of the Old Testament?

The Trinity contends that all three parts of God are one without any separation between them otherwise it would be proven to be polytheism.

Therefore, according to Christianity the God of the Old Testament is Jesus.

If you say yes, then you cannot ever deny that he sent the commandments written in the Old Testament.

Someone can say they don’t follow them anymore…ok…. But if they ever deny that he made these commands then JESUS was not the GOD of the Old Testament.

Here is one command JESUS sent down:

“A woman shall not wear a man's garment, nor shall a man put on a woman's cloak, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.” ----- Deuteronomy 22:5

If a Christian denies it was ever sent down by Jesus then either Jesus is not their God or they don’t believe that the Bible is the word of God.

Whether these are still enforced or whether these were sent millenniums ago…… are not the question.

The eye opener is that Christians cannot deny that according to their faith JESUS at one time sent this COMMAND down for WOMEN.

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination ?paramount theater

I believe Jesus is the Son of God, whom God sent to earth to be born of a virgin, and grow up to spread His Father's love and to get others to follow His teachings. The New Testament is the story of man living under " grace ", not the Old Testament Law, of that verse in Deuteronomy was a part. That's not to say that it's OK in God's eyes for women to dress like a man and vise versa. The Law, including the Ten Commandments were given in that day for people to live by, because Jesus, the Messiah had not come to be our intercessor to God. " No man cometh unto the Father except through the Son ". Also, the Law and the Ten Commandments were really not meant to be kept, or at least , God sent them to Moses to show man he couldn't save himself with a list of rules, do's %26amp; donts and such. We need the blood of Jesus Christ that He shed for us. He took our place on the cross, and by so doing, made a way whereby we ALL could be saved. God the Father, God the Son %26amp; God the Holy Spirit are ONE, therefore we are not polytheistic.

Did Jesus say WOMEN who wear mens clothes are an Abomination ?theatre opera theater

You are confused (don't feel bad, there are many Christians who are confused about this same subject).

1) Jesus IS the God of the "Old Testament," better known as the Hebrew Tanakh;

2) Jesus DID give the command you quoted above;

3) However, the Mosaic Covenant was between God and the Jews ONLY. Gentiles weren't ever part of that Covenant;

4) Messianic Jews (who believe Jesus is the Messiah) and Gentile Christians are under the law of Messiah, not the Law of Moses (see Jeremiah 31:31-34). Under Jesus' law, we have no restriction against wearing the clothing of another sex.
Brownski is absolutely right.

Go to

Hi, most rules in Deut are not written by God but are a reiteration of the Jewish culture and most of the Semites as well. Sorry to burst your bubble.
I am a Christian.

And the trinity is not something I put faith in to begin with.

The trinity is a man made doctrine and totally illogical.

God sent the commands - Jesus is the SON OF GOD, NOT GOD!
Jesus is the God of the Old Testament and since God's word is eternal, then a woman wearing a mans clothing is still an abomination. It is one of the 'thou shalt not's that is an addendum to the Ten Commandments.
Even my fundie mother knows the old testament doesn't count. Get real, guy, and stop trying to demonize Jesus. He was a decent man, unlike your poophead mohammad (piss be upon him).
Back in those days, abomination meant, "cool". It meant you were hep, that your were baad! As Noah said to Moses, "Moses that new cloak is an abomination!"

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