Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??

i did not say anything it was sooo shoking!!!! i almost fanted when he got down on his knee. shouldi say yes or no i do not know :/

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??opera score

If you have to ask US, then the answer is NO.

Sooo if u had a BF and he asked u to marry Him what would u say??musicals opera theater

it depends on the situation. Everyone and every situation is different. Search your heart to try tofind the answer. But if your really not sure what you should say, then i would say you should probably say no, or at least put things on hold and gain s ome perspective as to why you are unsure.
If you love him YES but you have to be mature and weigh in other factors. DO you spend most of your time arguing? Does he have a future where you will not struggle financially. Are you each others sole mates? Does he spend most of his time building you up and supporting you or tearing you down and belittling you. If you can asses your relationship and all seems to be well , then go for it!!! I wish you the best.
if you dont know, say no, marriage is hard you should be absolutely sure that is who you want to be with forever
If you don't know I'd say no.
If you don't absolutely feel head over heels for this guy, and also think you want to marry him, then the answer has to be NO. It's very flattering to receive a proposal, but don't take it lightly. You're being asked to make a lifetime decision. And if you aren't sure, then suggest you give yourselves more time. You simply aren't ready to consider marriage at this point.
Are you SERIOUSLY asking this big of a question to strangers on a website? Damn, I hope he finds a better girl...and learn to spell, dumbass.
if u inlove with him and that is the guy u want to spend the rest of ur life with and have his kids then say yes don't let love pass u by.
are you ready to get married? if you are,then say yes.
only you can answer this one
I would say yes to mine.

Depends if you love him or nor if you don't love him don't accept his proposal and if you do say yes!!!!Easy as Pie!!!!
Do you love him? Does he love you? Does he treat you good? Do you picture yourself with him forever? Is he your world? Do you have fun together? These are things you should take into consideration before saying yes or no. Is your man a good man? But if you don't want to marry him, then don't lead him on. It's not right and he has as much feelings as you do.
I would definitely say yes to mine..we're friends for 5 years now and I'm always wanting him to propose.
say yes or no but don't say maybe.
First of all, I wouldn't be asking a bunch of strangers how to decide your future. But my advice is to ask yourself if you could stand to spend the rest of your life with him. You didn't say how long you've been together, also... I'd say try to go for at least a year. It gives them time to get the real person out.. incase they may be hiding it. Ultimately though, I'd say this question is dependent upon your own decisions.
If you love him, say yes
No one can answer that question for you. You are gonna have to make a life-changing decision like that on your own. Besides you left out alot like how your relationship is with this man. Do you love him? Can you trust him with your life? Communication, do ya'll have problems with that? It sounds like you have alot of thinking to do.
Girl if you love him YES!!!!!
I would be shocked too, because sometimes you don't really know when they'll propose. I would say yes, because if you can see a future with him and love him. For better or lose for richer or poorer, till death you'll part. Really think about it before giving him an answer. Good Luck
Well, when mine asked, I said yes and that was 14 years ago. All went well. You have to go with your heart. If you have reservations about it...DON'T!
do you love him? do you see spending the rest of your life with him?...........if so......then say yesssssssssssssssssssssss
If I loved him more than words could express and I couldn't see myself spending the rest of my life without him then I would say YES!
If you love him then you should say yes, but if you have second thoughts and you don't know how you feel then you should not say no. It is not worth it to get married if your not sure!
If he had a ring and has a job and you love him yes.

If not, then don't bother

Good luck
You are pathetic. The guy proposed to you, you told him you need time to think about it and now you are asking strangers what you should say? I hope you say no and I hope he moves on and finds someone better than you
are you kidding me??? say YES! LOL.. whatever your heart feels is what u should say.
If my boyfriend asked me to marry him I would say yes. We are 25 and 26 though. Only you know in your heart if its right or not. I would tell you to wait until ur older, but like I said, only u can make that decision.
i would scream hell yea i would marry u
I had a boyfriend and I said yes. now he's my husband?
Hi when my boyfriend asked me to marry him i said yes straight away as i love him and want to spend the rest of my life with him, But by the sounds of things you dont feel the same way, it also depends on how long you have been seeing each other. It doesnt matter about the age as long as you love each other. If you want to really bad and think you too young that is the only reason not to get married, dont think this way, age doesnt matter if your in love then you know its the right time to get married. Just think your relationship over, think how you would feel if one day he wasnt there, would you be uncontrolably sad, or not botherd. But i think it was really sweet him getting down on one knee, plus getting engaged doesnt mean getting married straight away you can leave marrage as long as you like.But no to long
That's up to you. No one can answer that for you.

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