Saturday, December 5, 2009

Lawyer says Spain complicit in Guantanamo abuse. I say good for you Spain, what do you say?

A softly softly namby pamby approach is not the correct response to muderous terrorists. The terrorists do not have their hands tied by laws, but law enforcement does. Yes, I know, you are innocent until proven guilty. That just means that the innocent keep getting blown up going about their lawful daily business, whilst the guilty are free because law enforcement has it's hands tied by operating within the law.

Read the link, and then what do you say, Good for you Spain, or You are wrong Spain

Lawyer says Spain complicit in Guantanamo abuse. I say good for you Spain, what do you say?binoculars

I agree,and anyway,Spain have had their fair share of terrorist activity so its not like their jumping on the bandwagon.

Lawyer says Spain complicit in Guantanamo abuse. I say good for you Spain, what do you say?violin opera theater

Hmmmm .......... so no justice system for you then.

What happens if you are stuck in a jail for a crime you didnt commit with no hope of a trial and no end in sight.

I bet you would be begging me to help you.

Reducing ourselves to animals is not the answer.
So what you want is internment for all, what your saying if some terror group comes up that have all blonde hair members then sure send them to a torture camp is that your idea of justice. Internment did not do anything to solve terrorism and it sure is proving a super recruitment aid now isn't it. Britain for one should know that after all did not internment help recruit thousands to the IRA in the seventies.
Well a "namby pamby" approach to counter-terrorism is probably not a good idea, but I can promise you that stuff like Guantanamo, Abu Ghraib et al does the United States no favours whatsoever. How are you supposed to justify your actions on the basis of freedom, human rights etc when you're hypocritically violating so self same rights yourself?

How short-sighted can you get?
If we suspend the normal course of law for anyone then we are treading a very dangerous path towards the sort of despotic regimes that we are fighting against.
I'd say that you were a Dim Blonde.

How many of the hostages that have been kidnapped and illegally held at Guantanamo Bay have been proved guilty of anything?

Unlike the war criminals Bush, Blair, and the belligerent rogue states they command.

I look forward to these mass murderers being put on trial.

The abductees at Guantanamo Bay didn't even get a trial.
well there is a BIG problem with terrorism here, between ETA and the Madrid train bombs, and being so close to Morocco that the largest party,s stance on terrorism can get them voted in or not ,so i suppose the government need to come down on it hard and to be seen doing so. But I don,t agree with Guantanamo Bay as these people have not been convicted and haven,t had a trial , so I suppose I would have to say are wrong , Spain
You really are a dim blonde, aren't you.
If these people are dangerous terrorists, and the evidence is so compelling, where are the trials?

The innocent don't get "blown up" because there's no harsh regime in Guantanamo Bay. The hands of law enforcement agencies are not "tied down" -- on the contrary, they now have the most draconian powers. One person was arrested under anti-terrorism legislation for reading out the names of the war dead on the Cenotaph in London. Another woman was arrested for cycling on a footpath -- under anti-terrorism legislation. These draconian laws may seem slight, until you find yourself on the wrong end of zealous implementation, and find that no one cares a lot because you will be presumed to be guilty, not innocent. After all, it's this presumption that would keep you in Guantanamo Bay, to prevent you blowing up all those innocent people who ask questions on YA about namby pamby approaches to murderous terrorists.
If some one is suspected of terrorism then it,s quite right that they should be questioned, if they are guilty then fine, if they are innocent a sorry should do and on your way...

Trouble is human rights.. people have to carry on the argument...

To solve the problem of upsetting terrorists in the event of them being arrested for a suspected terrorist event would be to let them alone and go about there business unhindered...

when will the world wake up! these idiots want your life! and most of you want them left alone to carry out there atrocities...
Have they been found guilty????


comments will be welcomed
I say that you are a misguided idiot for condoning Gitmo.
Stop going through life thinking like a victim. Do you want civility and justice or do you want mayhem and gratuitous vengence?

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