Thursday, December 10, 2009

When a person has been teased and bullied and put down for many many years from say first grade to 1

I graduated in 88 yes the past still haunts me i don't socialize much with any one but my family and my mom and dad, i in the past hide my feelings but now I am comming out of my shell talking about the past use to cry alot cause kids would thow rocks at me pick on me tease me hurt me through words and more. Im 35 now I find it hard to let go of the past i find it hard to socalize with people i don't know what to say half the time so i shy down from the crowd, i find it easier to talk by writing. my feelings down, some times i can get in to deep thought about the past and i still to day some times cry, How does one get a block in to the past, How can i change to be more out going then i am now, How can i feel comfortable at a crowd of people at a party, I'd rather walk away and sit at home alone then go to a party or a bar to have fun cause i don't have fun at those things cause i feel like im intruding . How can i lose those feelings How can i make myself fit in.

When a person has been teased and bullied and put down for many many years from say first grade to 12th Grade?amc theatre

Kids can be so cruel. What you really should do is get some professional help, b/c yahoo answerers won't be able to help you through everything. A psychologist can help you sort through all of these feelings and pent-up emotions and help you find some workable solutions.

The only suggestion I have is to practice talking with people, a little at a time. Maybe start by having convos over the computer, and then eventually talk to people in person. I guess you could even start making lists about yourself - list at least one thing everyday that is positive about yourself. I attended a lecture by a lady who had bulimia and she did this. But I would highly recommend a psychologist before you should take my advice or anyone else's here. Good luck. :)

When a person has been teased and bullied and put down for many many years from say first grade to 12th Grade?symphony opera theater

You are still letting the bullies control your life...You need to know you are better than them and not let this ruin you...Do not let this control your life, be strong, you can do it...
i suggest going to see a Councillor. they are very helpful. i got bullied at school.

i was in hospital for a long time and i suffered from depression.

i went to see a councillor,she listened and gave me good advice.i havnt fully recovered,i dont think anyone can after being bullied, but it has helped SO much.

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