Saturday, December 5, 2009

Would you say that I'm overweight for my age????

I am a 16 years old girl, my height is 5`0 ft, and i weight about 156lb. would you say im bit overweight for my height and age??

yes or no???

Would you say that I'm overweight for my age????greek theater

Your BMI is around 30. Anything over 25 is considered unhealthy.

Would you say that I'm overweight for my age????performing arts show opera theater

Just a little bit my mom is 5'4 and is 109 nd not grossly skinny
How big is your waist? And cup size, etc...

It could be muscle...or you're a bit overweight. If you're muscleish, you're probably fine...Respond with waist and stuff and i can tell for sure...
depends on how muscular you are and you bone stucture/density. I'm 5'2 and 160 but I'm very muscular and have very big bones. My doctor told me that if I get below 150 I'm too thin.
According to BMI (body mass index) you are overweight. But honestly there are several factors that you should look at before feeling sad about that. Look at your built (frame, breast size, etc) also look at the women in your family. Are they rather heavy set or skinny? Do you work out a lot? Muscle is heavier than fat. If you still feel like you are too heavy look at your food intake (what do you eat when and how much) as well as your liquid intake (2-3 quarts a day, if you don't drink enough you will also gain weight). If you don't work out at all try something simple like walking your (your neighbor's/grandma's/friend's) dog or riding your bike over to a friends house instead of taking the bus or car.

Believe me, this subject isn't easy but there are ways to deal with it and you are on the right track by opening your eyes and looking closely. Good luck
It depends on your Body Mass Index.

You can calculate your BMI online at
I think you migth be just a tiny bit overweight but no matter what you cannot judge a book by its cover everyone is diffrent inside. ;D

I can't say over the internet if you are overweight or not. It completely depends on how much muscle you have and the other things that people said you need to consider. However, if you typed that into a BMI (Body Mass Index) machine online, it would most likely tell you that you are overweight. But like I said, it really depends on your body type.
A bit! Not to be mean
it depends on your frame, but yeah you're probably a little overweight but not too bad. if you're really worried about it eat healthier and excersise a couple times a week
yes you are unless lots of the weight is mussel if it is fat then you are obese with a body fat percentile of 30.5 you would have to about 5'7 (like me :-) ) for 156 lbs to be healthy so unless you grow 7-14 inches or if you are very toned with larger breasts the you need to lose approximately 28 pounds! i don't mean to sound mean but this really could be unhealthy and before you lose and large amount of weight talk to your doctor

p.s. hope this helps! :)
Sorry, but yes you are overweight
Ya u r over weight.... u have to lose ur weight by Purchasing a weight loss supplement without research and the facts can amount to throwing your hard earned money out the window. There are hundreds of weight loss products online today. With all of the hype, it's impossible to tell which products are based more on marketing hype rather than true effective solutions.That's why we researched and continuously investigate which diet pills really work. Here's a list of the top eight most effective diet supplements being used by people like you, safely trying to lose weight:

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