Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why do people say autism is a deasese?

Its wrong. I have autism and I function good. Yeah I have a few social problems but I can overcome that. I have friends.

Yeah I find it hard to get girl friends but one day I will over come it.

Autism triggers social problems.

Well let me tell all you autisic people out there. When you have problems socialiseing because of autism, just face your fears ok?

People are scared of spiders, oh look they go to see a theorpy and there cured from not being scared of spiders. If you have social problems due to autism just face your fears and DARE yourself to talk to a girl/future mate. After you do that you will not be scared of being social.

I hate it just hate it when these sore dumb assas say that we autistic people will never be able to over come OUR condition and we will remain trapped in the autistic shell

Let me give you guys some news, there is no shell in autism.It is a condition you can overcome. Yes it will still with you but you can over come it.

Why do people say autism is a deasese?headache

what u saying is right

u also have to think about when people say 'disease' .. the term is just a medical term rather than an offensive word .. 'disease' simply means a condition that can/or can not be treated .. 'dis' (is a greek word means opposite of ok or good) and 'ease' (is english ease) so it is 'no ease'

there are other medical terms such as:



disorder ..etc

Why do people say autism is a deasese?paramount theater opera theater

Anyone who says autism is a disease is incorrect; its a syndrome not a disease. It is a collection of common symptoms - a syndrome.

But, people have a tendency to generalise. People have a tendency to believe the worst cases of autism are the norm, and that those with the syndrome, are confined to living under the guidance of guardians for their life. Which is, as im sure you know, not true.
*CHEEERS* i agree its not a disease like most people say. while it is possible a disease while your being born or shortly after, may cause it.

i believe facing autism is fighting intelligence. because people see us (me included) as a retard. technically we may seem like it. but only because our minds are so intelligent we can neither understand it nor express it.

while it is possible to overcome this (i still am... i have only been truly alive for 6-7 years despite im about 3x those ages) i believe we will carry a portion of it for the rest of our lives.

good luck people. i personally have no intent of being seen as a retard. i intend to get useful at something no matter what. (probably computers.)

tip. dont be afraid to start a grade over if you have to at school. getting a grade done in a year has become such a social thing, that people who dont are considered retards. but think about it. either you do and end up going too fast. or you take your time and pass with flying colors at a higher age.
I don't know, it irks me to.

Thank You for getting the facts out there.

Good Luck and Take Care
Autism isn't a disease so anybody who says that is ignorant about it. It is just a different way of being - just as some people are very creative or very emotional. Autistic people have varying talents, abilities and different ways of viewing the world that others don't have, just as creative or quiet or loud people have different strengths.

For some people autism affects their life a lot - for others it doesn't - like you said it is a syndrome and the more you know about it the better. What might be seen as social problems by some people might be seen as social positives by others depending on what you look for in a person.

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