Thursday, December 10, 2009

What Would You Say?

Okay Heres The Deal! My Ex Boyfriend From Before I Got Married We Were Together For 7 Years! Anyway I Watched His Baby Sister Grow Up So I Claim Her As My Sister! When We Are Out She Tells Everyone That I Am Her Sister! I Love Thier Whole Family! Her Mom Is Wonderful! Anyway So The Other Day I Started Talking To This Guy Again As Friends Cause He Is Going Threw A Hard Time! Anyway So I Said Something To His Sister And She Just Blurted Out Are You Falling In Love With My Brother Again! Now She Knows Im Happily Married But I Think She Still Has Some Hope In The Back Of Her Mind That We Will Get Back Together! I Dont Know What To Say To Her! Yes I Still Love Her Brother How Do You Love Someone For 7 Years And Then Just Turn It Off You Cant! Anyway So I Will Always Have A Place In My Heart For Him But It Kills Me That She Still Wants Us To Be Together! I Dont Know What To Say To Her I Dont Want To Hurt Her She Has Been Threw Enough! Its Killing Me That She Wants Us Back Together! Help!!!!!

What Would You Say?globe theater

You can't just "turn it off"..You were with your bf for 7 years! that's a loong time..but with time, both of you have moved even got married. So, I would tell your lil sis, that there will be no chance that you and your ex will get back together unless fate decides to change its tune and end your marriage. And in that case, maybe you and your ex were meant to be.

What Would You Say?oper opera theater

Hunny, she just asked a question, sounds like you have your answer, you do still love him and maybe down deep you wish you were, but for her tell her the truth. that you are happily married and that you and her brother are only friends.
This is difficult to read, what's with all the capital letters?
Tell her exactly what you said here.
Tell her that yes you do love her brother and he will always have a special place in your heart and you love her entire family as if they were your own.. but you also love your husband and are happily married. Her brother is now only and will only be a good friend nothing more.
kind of sounds like you may still have feelings for your ex... and how old is the girl?. you should just be able to tell her the truth... (if you know what it is)...
I couldn't answer the question cuz the fact that you started each word with a Capitol letter distracted me.......
Let her know the friendship you have with her has nothing to do with her brother.And the feelings you have for her brother is not the same as you would have for a partner.

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