Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do people say confront your spouse about cheating?

What do they think he will say? "Oh yes Darling I have been cheating on you." Has anyone ever asked and actually gotten the truth?

Why do people say confront your spouse about cheating?ballet theater

Whether you get the truth or not, I say confront your spouse because what he is doing can lead to the deterioration of your marriage ending it in separation or divorce.

You should communicate any concerns you have with your spouse whether good or bad and you don't try to look for truth but look for getting to the bottom of the problem.

By not saying nothing, your going to be internally beating yourself down mentally because you are thinking he is cheating.

By asking you at least see his facial expression and behavior upon confrontation.

Even if he doesn't tell the truth, he will know within himself whether I have caught on to him and we will take it from there.

Why do people say confront your spouse about cheating?chicago theater opera theater

Well, I think it is to let them know that you have a suspicion of what is going on. Sometimes the cheating spouse thinks that they are so smart and the other spouse would never catch on. When I did it to my ex -husband, I believe it was his wake up call. I did not want him to take my silence for stupidity.
Dont ask instead catch him red handed.
i go the truth after not letting the topic go for awhile. but then again i was lied to about with who......even tho i knew who with!

then after confronting them both about it i was told the truth by my man....but the whore never fessed up too it!
Yes, there have been many books written about cases of restored marriages that have been broke,and I mean the husband or wife have been restored. I caught my wife while I was working and confronted her and we are still together, but it takes God's strength and intervention to over come the pain.
I'm sure when a spouse is ready to confront the other about cheating, there is no question. They already know and don't need the other to lie by asking the question. At the point of confrontation is when choices need to be made divorce, open marriage or counseling or whatever they think is appropriate.
You can get most of the truth if you have your facts together, (hire an investigator), which they can't deny. It happens more than you think when it gets down to being tired %26amp; divorce is on the plate. My ex found out the hard way.
I think it's to give the person being cheated on the opportunity to deal with the issue head on, instead of being a victim, they have the power a little bit. And if you don't have concrete proof you shouldn't be confronting anybody, yes your heart usually is a good indicator. However, without proof you just become known as the person who called "wolf" and your mate can use that to their advantage.
I once made that mistake many years ago. Its best to confont, It shows effort on your be half, You may be lied to you may not. but asking is way better than assuming. I never waited to be confrunted I am always onest even when its not in my favore. I informed her of my mistake. Its best to shear you concerns with your partner. You can often avoid a major mis understanding
If you ask and are told." no, but if you keep accusing me of it I might go and do it" then they are more than likely doing it already and trying to turn it around to be your fault... it is a dumb game that never ends no matter how old a man gets... or women for that matter.
You may not get the truth, but you'll sure scare the hell out of them knowing your on to his or her foolishness. Then again depending on your evidence they might not be able to lie that quick and have no choice, but to come clean. Besides, the reason it's best you do it is just to let them know their not dealing with a fool in love, and also it won't cause any hardships with the outside person if you decided to stay with a cheating spouse they confronted for you.
No, and I asked...I think I asked because I wanted to hear it wasn't so...but that doesn't stop the gut feeling from knowing the truth....I was right.
yep... :D
I am sure they have. Cheating is a big issue. You have promises and wedding vows to consider. Children sometimes to consider. The person cheating is being selfish and extremely self centered instead of work out their problems with their spouse or s/o. Let's face it cheating is WRONG!
You have a right to confront your partner, even though he/she may not be honest at least they will know that you know.
so that they will know that u are aware of what's going on
"The truth will set you free. you can handle the truth."

he will try to lie about it unless you have more evidence. then he will say he/she means nothing to me. Then he will say It's over I will tell him/her tomorrow. You say I don't want you to see him/her again. He will say " OK" thinking he needs one more whoopie for the road.

Be careful the other woman may be a brokeback cowboy
Me being deaf they have choice to say yes or no... mostly they will say no and I see their face changing red and can't even looked at me knowing that busted!!!

I know my wife she is hearing and I am deaf and Every time I asked her something wrong? she kept saying nothing... Dear, Your face written all over telling me and you can't tell me there nothing to tell me??? Finally she said how in the world you figure it out????? I told her becasue being deaf and I learn people face and how they can tell the truth or not. She test me and said something and I told her you fake it .. she like wow you good at it and she kept on doing alot of things and i got 95% right and 5%wrong smile.

If they said yeah.. but nothing white or red changing color or something make they made it up not being serious. I am so glad I am deaf and married to my hearing wife smiling. My hearing kids now become like me. can read easily haha
you're right; you can only confront if you have solid evidence; otherwise you risk ruining the relationship if your suspicions are unfounded. you will be perceived as being specious and lacking trust
lol. i doubt it not unless the spouse was caught red handed
You now what, I have never thought about that. You are so right. But I think that if your husband is cheating on you, you some what know. By there changing behaviors. But Men are a.sses. Like I was watching this movie, the husband had an affair at work (I know its just a movie) but the guys face was like all he was thinking was getting some p*ssy. Seriously, I just pictured that all men get that face when they have affairs. But if there not ready for a comittment, then why do they get married. I have always asked myself that question.
actually yes, my husband did admit he was cheating.. minus the 'darling'...
Sometimes you can't tell either way. Some may take offense to the implication and say things to through you off. Other times, you may get the truth depending on your partners mood. So, it really depends on a lot of variables and if you have to have that convo, you probably don't belong with that person.
I think if someone confronts their spouse WITH proof, then you are all good. If you are going by "he say, she say", then you might end up looking as silly as his a**! LOL.
you have to
You confront them so they know you know. Even if they dont respond, or dont answer truthfully... they still know you know AND that is what matters most.
I think a lot of cheaters will crack under the weight of their own guilt when they realize that they're not getting away with it anymore (which for some is the whole thrill of it). They may not necessarily break down and admit to it right there, but it's amazing how people's personalities change when they know their secrets are out in the open.

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