Saturday, December 5, 2009

My health teacher is an obvious republican. She hangs pictures of Bush by her desk. What should i sa

My health teacher has pictures and posters of George W. Bush everywhere around the room. One day I asked her if she liked Bush. She said yes. I said I am not fond of what he is doing with America right now. Basically I said I didnt like him. She said "im sorry to hear that. I hope you change your mind" I am not in her class anymore, but it bothers me. What should i say or do or think?

My health teacher is an obvious republican. She hangs pictures of Bush by her desk. What should i say/do?opera cd

She's entitled to her opinion, you are entitled to yours. Don't let one issue define your relationship with a person. She sounds nice enough.

My health teacher is an obvious republican. She hangs pictures of Bush by her desk. What should i say/do?opera singer opera theater

Pray for her...
As long as she does not force her beliefs on her students nothing. Every person is free to maintain their own beliefs, just as you are. I have seen many teachers who were 'obviously' democrat and Clinton admirers but let it be. They weren't too fond of my being republican.
respect her opinion like she respected yours
Pictures of presidents on classroom walls used to be common. Are we now so ashamed of our leaders we want to hide their faces.
Let her be free but do not allow her to take your freedom. In other words don't get mad get even. Wear t shirts with pics of Clinton or who ever you like, or with funny pics of Bush.
Nothing/Nothing/Nothing. Pictures of Presidents are in school for a long time. Your petty infantile liberal thoughts are best kept to yourself. You will be better off if you just didn't make big deals over nothing.
She's entitled to her opinion, as long as she isn't trying to indoctrinate you during class time, she is within her rights. If a teacher tries to influence you to agree with their political beliefs, that's stepping over the line.
Well I say nothing for you to do or can do.

She is a 100% entitle to put in her desk anything pics of anyone she wants.

Nobody can say or do anything. She is not harming anyone.
Move on with your life and don't worry about it. She's entitled to like who she wants. I got news for you kiddo the whole world doesn't revolve around you and your tastes.
It's not really your place to say anything. It's not like she's trying to persuade you to become a republican. As long as she isn't incorporating her beliefs in her lesson plan, she's not doing anything wrong. I guess you'll just have to get over it.
Maybe just respect her and her differing opinion.

And leave it at that.

It shouldn't bother you that someone does not believe in what you do. That is part of what has made this country great. At one time people used to have respect for others that had opposing opinions. People should learn to disagree and not hate each other for holding different opinions. There is too much of that here with the libs and cons and the Dems and Reps.
Many government buildings display pictures of the current U.S. president. What you should do is sit down and shut up. I've had to look a Bubba's mug for many years.
your a idiot. people can put photos of George W. Bush on their desk if they want, so you should just leave it alone.
Why do you feel obliged to say or day anything? Hanging the picture of the President in a classroom is certainly appropriate. It doesn't sound like she tried to change your mind about your negative opinion...just hoped that you would do so on your own some day. If it bothers you, maybe it is because you wonder if your perception of Bush's policies might be mistaken. People do get uncomfortable when they find out not everyone shares their opinion.
You should tell her she's a brainwashed moron, and that wearing a tinfoil hat will help keep out the MKULTRA subliminal messages that say "Honor You President, He Is A Good Leader Who Only Cares For You And Your Best Interests"
you DO know people have a right to their opinion in this country dont you?

and why are you asking strangers what you should do, say or think about anything?

think for yourself dammit!
Put a picture of Bin Laden on your desk.
refer the matter to the a,c.l.u
Whine about it to people who care.
An Example:

I really dont Like Fergie..I think she is vulgar and dumb...If a student brings to School a Folder with Fergies Picture as a cover (with clothes on) Can I get upset or report it? No

Students also have rights...Respect teachers Rights...

WHy would she have Bush's Picture on her desk....I wonder....

Maybe she likes him...I cant see why would someone have his picture...he is so dumb (I have rights too lol)
Not that I'm a Bush supporter ... as I think he's done a lot of questionable things in his second term ... but displaying a current picture of the President of the USA is a sign of respect for the office if not the person in the office. There is nothing wrong with it ... and just because your views differ from hers is no reason to be upset about it. Would you be upset if she hung up a picture of Bill and Hillary? If not ... then it is you that have a problem, not her.

Actually it's somewhat refreshing to see someone in a public school actually display something even remotely conservative with the socialist hotbed most schools have become these days. All we can hope is that the brainwashing currently being thrust upon the youth of the nation can be undone in time to save the country.
He is the president so in school it is acceptable too hang his picture.
You should try to learn from her. She is obviously very wise.
The woman has the right to her opinion and it is her class room.
Most public institutions like schools have a fair use of public figures in the process of education.

You'll see the pictures of presidents hanging in libraries, city and county buildings as well as schools.

You may disrespect the individual as despicable, but he (or she) is still an elected official and is due basic respect. Just ignore the placement of this particular individual. One day they will come to regret their mistaken beliefs.
It is her opinion. You need to talk with friends and with people who are in her class and convince them to see it your way. You won't change her mind and there is no sense in arguing with her. There may be some other kids who happen to agree with her. Don't argue with them, they are entitled to be wrong just as you are entitled to be right. It is not worth the hassle of arguing politics or religion in places like that.

In the next election you can do your part to campaign for Democratic candidates. You can stuff envelopes, send emails, make phone calls and participate in any way they will let you. If you are 18 by election day make sure you register and vote Democratic. Encourage your friends to do the same. Remember if you dont vote don't complain.
i would avoid a teacher so willing to admit her stupidity
Say- hey Nice Bush!
Hang a picture of Jesus (whatever you do DONT use nails, He doesn't like that much...) on your desk and when she tells you to take it down... (and she will)

Tell her that Bush is a Christian and copying someone, is the most sincere form of flattery...

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