Saturday, December 5, 2009

Why do you say I can not believe in God?

without believing in the Bible? Thats not true, because I do believe in God but not the Bible, so yes its possible. I do not believe the Bible was Gods word. BUt would really like to know why you say its not possible.

Why do you say I can not believe in God?home theater system

I don't say it's not possible. Billions of people believe in god but don't believe the stories of the Bible. Anyone who says it's not possible is blatantly wrong.

Why do you say I can not believe in God?the grand theater opera theater

I don't say that. I have no problem with someone who believes in both a god and the bible. However, I do have a problem when people start to push their religion on others. Especially when they say that science has to change to match their religion.
Did you Know.....

(James 2:19) You believe that there is one God, you do well; even the demons believe and tremble.

Thanks, RR
Anything is possible....

follow your heart!
How would you know about the God of the Bible, the only God that is, without the Scriptures? If you do not accept the Biblical description of God, who He is, His attributes and how He operates, you have simply created a god in your own mind, which most likely does not mesh with who the God of the Bible really is.

Simply believing in God will not ensure salvation. Demons believe, yet are eternally condemned. Unless God gives you the faith to believe, the faith to believe in who He is in the inspired Scripture, you will remain in darkness, either not believing at all, or making up a god in your own mind.
Most of the people on the planet who do believe in God don't believe in the Bible. Every other religion besides Christianity.
I don't.
Because the bible says you can't.

That makes sense, right?
Of course it's possible.
The BIBLE was written by men GOD talked to about GOD and what they saw and heard. The new testement has exact words from JESUS. Again it's also what these men heard and saw. Do you believe in JESUS? JESUS was GOD in a human body.
Much of the world believes in a God without believing in the Bible, that's not unusal at all.
You can't belive in God if you don't belive in the BIble, the Bible is the word of God, you can't deal with God if dot't belive in the Bible. Try to read the Bible as if God is talking to you one on one
Because they want to force you to go to church and drop money in the collection basket. It's all about the money. Why would they care if they can't make a profit off you. The church is corrupt, the religion and spiritual belief is fine. People need to start realizing that. Churches don't need to be making thousands of dollars a month in donations... they just don't.

I can't believe someone had the nerve to tell you what you CAN and CANNOT believe in. Your personal beliefs are yours and you are entitled to them. Whether you don't believe in God, believe in him, or worship grasshoppers... no one can tell you aren't entitled to do so. I would suggest ignoring people who feel they have the right to tell you what you should feel strongly about. They don't matter and are the type of people who make the world so frustrating sometimes. Believe in God, however you feel fit to do so.
who told you that? whoever it was, that person is an idiot
so yo dont believe in the real God...just a false on that likes the way you sin and wont judge you.
Is, Love your Neighbor as your self is wrong? Thats what the Bible teaches us. Even if you dont believe its God's words, its facts that it teaches good to all.
I'm with you, I don't believe in bible God. I think we are all God since somehow we are all connected in the universe. So were all one which would make us and everything God.
you very much can and should believe in god and not the bible. the bible is not the word of god as most people believe, but a collection of story and accounts that paint a picture of gods will. it is frustrating to me that Christians will deny this to the death but won't take the time to explore their own religious history. the bible is only a few selections out of thousands of scripts in the Vatican library which where chosen to best suit our modern culture. not to mention that when the king James version that we used today was translated some words lost their original intent. IE. heaven literally translates to sky and virgin literally translates to young woman from the original text.
I don't say it's not possible.

People who say you must believe what THEY believe are creating God in their own image. That's pretty arrogant. I wouldn't listen to them. Follow your own heart.
It is proven that God did not write the bible.I dont believe in the bible or any organised religion.Alot of old men wrote th bible sometimes up to 100 years after the evnts accurred.
I think that it's possible, but not likely or realistic. What is the basis of your life and your beliefs without the Bible? That's where everything comes from.
no clue, hun
What should be established is what god does the questioner believe in? The Christians should be saying that their god is the same god of the Jews and the Muslims. Although we should change the word god to mean Creator. The word god is a derogatory word which could mean male, female, part animal part human being, all animal or what ever color or gender you want it to be. Under Judaism their Creator is pure love, pure energy, everlasting with no begining or no end. It has no shape or form nor any gender. What it wills happens within their creation. Christians follow the same creator, although they have now made him into a father figure who begat a son. Adam was his first creation and he did not call him his son? If we look at every faith in the world we will find the same original god but man in his infinite wisdom has transformed this god into a figure of his mind worthy of worship. Unfortunately, it is not what the Creator intended and he has called on the people of this world to change or be changed for ever.

Each will be judged on their belief and how they have lived their life within that belief. Certainly you can have a belief in the Creator of all things if you are a Jew, Christian or Muslim but if you are not then what is your belief is up to you and no one else. It is called freedon of choice and no one has the right to say that you are wrong.
I believe in God but i don't believe in God
Maybe it's not that you don't believe in the bible, but you don't believe in religion. Sometimes I feel that religion is not always the best thing, because it seems like it's telling you how to live your life. But, without religion, imagine where the world would be!
No one knows, therefore everyone believes what "they" think, believe what you want and dont let anyone tell you that this is either right or wrong.This is only their opinion.
its not possible because like unlike say, the bible is gods word....u can believe in certain excerpt from the bible and not others but you have to believe in the bible. everyone has their own free will I'm not going to tell you what wrong from right I'm just telling you my believe whatever you want
You don't believe in the Bible's God... obviously. Christians believe there is one God, the God of the Bible. So if you tell them you don't believe the Bible, they think you don't believe in the one and only God.

You're thick
because when you say "God" (with capital letter) you are denoting a specific god, and the god your specifying is the god of the bible.

its like saying Zeus, or Odin. as a proper name your implying a specific one. if you believe in "God" then it only makes sense you believe in the bible, since that is God's book.

like saying u believe in Zeus without believing greek mythology. the two go hand in hand.

now if you believe in god, or a god... thats a different story.

i suppose in all reality you could believe in the christian god without believing the bible. but the idea seems rather stupid imo.

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