Saturday, December 5, 2009

What happened? did i say something wrong?

well i just told this girl that i really like like her and i asked her out and she wont say yes or no. can some1 help?

What happened? did i say something wrong?met opera

before you asked her out did you get to know her well? my friend used to ask girls out before he even met them and he wonders why they always say no

btw maybe she is thinking about it?

What happened? did i say something wrong?movie theatre opera theater

She probably likes you too, but as a friend.
maybe shes scared
Ask her if she wants to do something specific on a specific day (like a concert, one-night only showing of a movie, etc)

That way she has to say yes or no relatively quickly. Generally you don't want to ask a general "so do you want to be bf/gf" cause that really is a big decision that could take a while to make.

Could you help me with my question too?
give her time. mosst of the time girls will talk to their friends. if sshess really into you, she'll be with you when shes ready to make the decision :)
She's either not sure or she's not interested. If she doesn't know you well enough and is unsure about you, then it could be why she didn't answer. Try to get to know her better as a friend first. Girls are more attracted by great personalities than great looks in the long run. On the other hand she might not be answering because she's not interested and she doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
Perhaps she still trying to sort out how she feels about you and not ready to respond just yet. Give her a moment and then ask her how she honestly feels.
Her friend likes you.
Give her time, mabye casually remind her (no more then once) that you were wondering if she would go out with you. Still no answer? She isn't intrested, so try and find someone else who will be a little more responsive.

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