Thursday, December 10, 2009

Afterlife, Yes or No?

I want to know from you:

1) How many percent certain are you about afterlife

2) If yes, Reincarnation or not?

3) What is your motivation of (dis-)believing in an afterlife?

Afterlife, Yes or No?classical music

existence following what is called death?yes,

1-existence cannot be measure,nor is a mathematical value,,however for your survey ,then is a 100%

2-if i believe in continuity,then reincarnation fits in the concept.


Afterlife, Yes or No?ms stress opera theater

THERE MUST BE SOMEWHERE THE ELECTRICAL ENERGY GOES-we are unsure, and uncomfortable with the idea, but curious, otherwise we'd ask is there an afterdeath instead of an afterlife
1) 0%

2) Who knows?

3) I need no motivation to disbelieve in something that has absolutely not evidence to support it.

It has been shown in many experiments with test pilots that near death experiences are just your brain freaking out - test pilots have them all the time, even when they are in no danger of dying.
I belive in an afterlife.

Because the human body is made of Energy, it can't die.

Imagine an Ice cube. It's made of Energy too. You lay it in the sun, and after a couple minutes it's evaporated. The "Energy" isn't gone. You yust can't see it.

I mean it's a bit different with the human body. (We don''t evaporate :-) )

I also think we get in another Body if we die (incarnation).

Yes. Reincarnation is an operative divine law.

Find out more:


3)Been there and back a few times;)
(answas to da poster above : u r judgin dat world with ur earthly mind, heaven is above ur intelligence, do u think da things in otha world gonna be lyk here??? so y not stayin in dis one?? research more bro den u'll C hw gr8 it is)



3)der r som steps which u gotta take to make belief

first u gotta believe in God, through things lyk(causation theory, design theory) and den u will ask ur self y am i here, wats da purpose of dis life, if death was gonna be end of life so innit it was all in vein?

So der is gonna be another world, life after death

(4 more explanation call 0800 ....
not only after life but inter life as well on the spirit plain before we reincarnate.... in god space where we reconnect to the source..... then we plan our next life before we are born only to forget and have to gift of experience we asked for.... it is the journey after all not the destination!

we often reconnect with people we have known in passed lives in our next lives......
I am 100% sure their is an after life.

And yes, if our soul has not learned everything it wanted to while on earth, it will reincarnate. Most of the time, however, souls will wait until most of their loved ones have come to see them in heaven. Howver, their are some possibilities where some have incarnated into the family as a new baby of a family memeber. Sometimes souls do not feel satisfied with their time on earth, and will incarnate into the same family, if possible.

I believe their is an afterlife, because my mother and I believed in the afterlife, and spoke about it alot. When she passed about 20 mins after she died, as I was crossing the street from the hospital, my cel phone rang. I went to answer it and it was turned off. My husband was with me, and is a witness to this.

I know it was my mother telling me she made it home.
My last life I was a Wacko Rock Star and next time i come back I'll be just a common House fly sitting on a pile of horse poooo....
1. 92%

2. I hope reincarnation. It's what I believe.

3. Well, first of all, I just feel that there is something more. Second, when my mother was dying, I had one of her lifelong friends confide in me that she had had a near-death experience and the afterlife was beautiful and peaceful.

I believe. :)
1)100 2)Why yes. I've had many dreams about past lives.3)My dreams have proves that reincarnation is plausible, and so that if enough for me.
1. Can't put down a percentage because really no one knows but I guess if I have to I'd say 90% sure that there is an afterlife.

2. Yes

3. I have personal reasons that I'd rather not share with the internet public.
I ) 100 %

2 ) Not so sure about that. I most certainly would not be

surprised. Could be.

3 ) I have had prayers answered, many of which were

considered miracles by other people including Doctors.

The answers came from somewhere. Before that I didn't

want to bet my soul that there was no hear after.
Lol.. dude... i cant give you all my thoughts about this topic through here but il try and break it down simplily... There is a drug in the brain called DMT that releases itself into your body while you are dying and makes you halucinate... eg. seeing the white lite or seeing dead family members saying stay away from the light and so on and soo forth... Now... the drug DMT is also a very uncommon recreational drug that can be extracted from certain plants and made into crystalized forms to be smoked... As soon as you breath out the entire would starts shaking and spinning out of controll and you pas out for like 7 mins..... BUT! you are still awake inside your head... and time seems limitless, you cant feel yourself breath or blink or anything... it is just your mind floating around in nothingness... and you see things... some see white lites and past family members... and some see aliens and halucinate... and some get very weird unexplainable thoughts come into there head... and yea... if you know anything about eiensteins theory of E=Mc2 then you will know that if something reaches the speed of light time becomes limitless for it... and i and many others believe when the dmt is put into your brain from either the drug or death, it puts your mind into the pulpitations of the speed of life and you get a mind of crystal clear conformity with knowelage of everything and it is just your mind "floating" around in all that is out there... This probably sounds strange but it is just my beliefe.. i am a 16 year old male Ex drug addict as you may have already guesed lol... just realise that there is infinate more things out there than what we will never comprehend or understand in "this" life... And in conclusion... i am not entirely sure if there is an after life... but i realy do pray that this life isnt all we have been given because if it is... 'what a waste'
I am 90 percent sure there is no afterlife. I just have never seen or heard any evidence of it.


100% sure than it's have nothing... and it's just because I don't believe in then... Why after life??? We live, we die... that's it and it's correct like that. But if it's yes, it's the same thing for all the animals, plants, etc. I don't thing than we can take human differently than the other life.
1) I'll have to go with afterlife 100%

2) No reincarnation: The soul is the form of your particular

composite of matter and form, and is not the formal cause of another composite.

3) Your soul is a substantial form without parts and therefore cannot be taken apart.
1. 100

2. yes

3. Well if there was no afterlife, where would you go after you died? I just think, your soul and your spirit can't really die forever. Something has to happen. And because I belive this, I think that there is reincarnation, because when you go to heaven you will get bored eventually. There has to be something else.
1. Absolutely sure

2. Absolutely not

3. Faith in God
1) Afterlife - yes, very much so. What the details are about it, I don't know... but too many great psychics work revolves around knowledge of people who have passed from our world, into "the light".

A physic detectives show the other night was pretty creepy. It's one where the phsyic was trying to find a teenage girl in Philly. She knew she had died, but was trying to figure out what trama had happened in the house that night. She was there with an officer, the mother and was waiting for the stepdad to talk to him.

In doing so, she went upstairs with the mother, layed down on a daughters bed, and communicated with the daughter. She said many murder victims haven't passed into the light yet because they don't beleive they are dead.

The creepy part was she then grabbed the mothers arm and said "momma, tell them where you put me". The mom freaked out, kicked them out.. and later confessed to the murder after the body was found where the pyschic had indicated. (In the park, near a holy-fountain).

Many cases like this exist of the deceased helping the pyschic, so yeah, I'm on board with the afterlife, but have no clue about what it is.

2) That's sketchy. The problem is... what benifit does reincarnation have if I can't draw from the prior knowledge and experiences. Logically, it just doesn't fit for me (in terms of usefulness) unless there is a much grander goal of life that I haven't a clue about.

3) No motivation.... just convinced from experiences of life. BTW: I don't beleive in aliens, not enough data.
1. No afterlife.

Think of it this way, what is your definition of paradise? Okay, now would you want that to go on forever? Sure it may sound nice, but it would be just like eating your favorite everyday. You'd soon get sick of it and want something else.

What if your paradise includes a particular woman that someone else also desires? How is that one resolved?

How is your idea of paradise THE idea of paradise. Everyone has a different idea. Each person would be correct.

The problems I described above are the same problems that affect the super-wealthy. What do you do when you can have anything you want anytime you want? What happens when you've traveled the world for the 30th time? Life can get very depressing and very boring.

Life just ending is actually kind of a nice peaceful thought.

Besides, the concept of a "soul" presents other problems that just make the universe more complicated than it needs to be in order to work. Occam's razor and all that.

Also, I've yet to see any evidence of why humans should be so special as to deserve some sort of after life, given that we are little more than an infestation on an insignificant pebble located on the butt of a medium-sized galaxy in a Universe of trillions of galaxies. Unlikely that we are the only ones in this universe.

2. Reincarnation simply doesn't make sense, unless souls just magically appear out of thin air. There are more people alive at this moment than there have been throughout the entire history of the planet. So who makes the extras? Some invisible sky wizard? Why? Because it can? Boredom? Cruelty (indeed, I doubt a benevolent being would send a soul to Earth in Darfur or a Palestinian refugee camp).

3. Plain simple logic. Faith is emotional, and emotions cloud reality and judgement. Faith is one of the main factors for why the world is the way it is today.

Logically, an uber being doesn't make sense. But with faith, you don't need logic. You just believe.

In all my time on this planet, I have not seen anything that would lead me to believe that we are special. Indeed, we aren't even the only sentient beings on this planet, let alone the Universe.

The bible is not proof. Every culture has had their equivalent of a "bible", and their gods were no better or worse than any that came after.

Until a spirit, demon, or some other netherworld entity comes up and says "hi", I'll stick with Occam and science.

Oh Yea! I believe in all. #3--because the soul always knows the truth.
not very

99.9999 yes

still not completly sure here so 50/50

it would be pretty boring if you were born, died and that was all
1) How many percent certain are you about afterlife

I am about 80% sure that there is no afterlife --because It doesn't make sense to believe in a higher power--but it doesn't make sense not to.

2) If yes, Reincarnation or not?

No, I feel like reincarnation is absurd--How the hell is your soul going to get inside of a newborn---c'mon

3) What is your motivation of (dis-)believing in an afterlife?

I feel like when you die that is it---the end--I feel this way because I have never seen other wise--and religious people are scarey so I definitly don't wanna be like them. Also probably because the way I was brought up--I feel like most people believe (GOD) because it was instilled in them when they were young--If there was just a bible (or whatever) laid and no one told you it was there and you happened to come aross it and read it-- you would be like "What crazy person wrote this sh*t"

Right?? Am I right??
1) Yes, I am pretty certain that there is an afterlife

2) not sure about Reincarnation. I used to believe in it, now I wonder how much of our "past life memories" are actually Ancestral memories, and how much are fantasy fulfillment.

3) I have had dream experiences with deceased loved ones which lead me to believe that the soul or spirit survives bodily death.
1) Confident there is an afterlife

2) Yes, reincarnation

3) Personal studies. Advice from practitioners and close friends/family.

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