Thursday, December 10, 2009

Atheists say there's no evidence....are they right?


You have to get past the fact that in order for one to make a rational decision, or a decision enough to evoke your pursuasiveness, one must not stand on proof, or facts alone, to make that decision. Just because I can't see God, doesn't mean there isn't enough evidence to back up His existence in coming to a rational decision. So you want facts, or proof of His existence so that you can know He exists? Well, it would be impossible to have any facts to back up His existence. The real fact is, you are required to use reason, to make a rational decision, and you MUST do this through a DEGREE of faith. Why do I say degree of faith, and not faith alone? Because faith alone, is called blind faith. Say you were to tell me to put my faith in a pink unicorn. I would tell you no, there is no evidence for there being a pink unicorn. Tell me to put my faith into God. I would tell you yes, there is evidence of order in this world, which suggests Creation.

Atheists say there's no evidence....are they right?tickets

so why don't you believe in the pink unicorn? It created the world don't you know that? It's written in some book somewhere, I thinks it's called the bubble!

Atheists say there's no evidence....are they right?ballet opera theater

Heh. So where is this 'evidence'?
Blah blah blah you Christians are all talk and no action. Sure, we can't see God but ALSO in my opinion, there is an extreme lack of evidence of his existence. I do not care what you say about how there is evidence of God in this world....and if so, then show/tell it to me. If God is real like you say he is, then I demand some proof. But I as an Atheist know for a fact there is no evidence of "God". If God was real don't you think he would help us out just a little bit since this world is going through so much suffering and pain? The Bible doesn't even give enough evidence for it was first written in a different language (I'm not sure of the language) but how do you know that some of the translation may be false. The only reason why you believe in God was because you were raised andtaught to be by your parents and others. Stop trying to be part of the crowd and OPEN up your eyes and learn to think for yourself instead of believing in what others do. And how do you know there isn't any evidence of any pink unicorns??? They may exist on another planet....*rolls eyes*
Why doesn't evidence of order suggest creation by the pink unicorn?

I mean, less than creation by God?
This was enough proof for me.

Several years ago I had an unusual experience concerning an uncle, a distant relative who lived over a thousand miles away.

While driving my car I suddenly felt the unmistakable presence of this relative that I hardly even knew. He was more like someone I had heard about than someone I knew. It was very strange; it felt as though I was momentarily lifted right out of my physical body. I seemed to be suspended somehow beyond space and time, bathed in a love so intense It felt like I could have just disappear into it at any moment if It would have let me. It only lasted for a few seconds, but it seemed to last forever at the same time. I realize how crazy this must sound. The experience was so strong that at first I was afraid I was loosing my grip on reality. I finally managed to chalk it up to an over active imagination.

Three days later I got a call from my aunt telling me that this uncle we are talking about had gone into a coma and died the day I had the experience. It felt like ice water had been poured down my back when she told me this. I had lost any real ideas of God or faith and had become somewhat of an atheist. Needless to say this experience caused me to rethink some of the conclusions I had come to.

I feel blessed to now understand that even in our darkest confusion something loves us so much that it went out of its way to assist me and bring me back to a state of absolute certainty about Gods love for us.

During the experience it seemed like there was a vast amount of information that I was somehow allowed access to. One thing that I came away from this experience understanding beyond any shadow of a doubt was that any Idea that God is unhappy with us or would judge or allow us to be punished for any reason is simply impossible.

I can鈥檛 explain the love I felt with words. They simply don鈥檛 make words big enough or complete enough to do this. The only way I can begin to convey this love to you is to say that there was simply nothing else there. Nothing but love. No hint of judgment, no displeasure of any sort. It is as though God sees us as being as perfect as we were the day we were created. It is only in our confused idea of ourselves that we seem to have changed.

I hope this is of some help to you. Good luck. Love and blessings.

Your brother don
Of COURSE there's evidence which suggests creation... and the Flying Spaghetti Monster is the one who did the creating!

And I have faith that I'm correct.

Are you disagreeing with my faith? Why? What proof do you have? I used reason in my decision to have faith in the FSM.

You can't deny my evidence. No one can.
The way you use the word "faith," you're using that to mean "the ability to pick the most appealing answer with no regard to what the facts are."

Order in the universe just means that physics works. It does not mean that physics is decided by a team of gremlins moving objects around to make sure they obey F = ma.
Semantic games do not provide any evidence as well.
"would tell you yes, there is evidence of order in this world, which suggests Creation" No it suggest it to your mind as you have basically accepted that there is a god and it's the one you believe in. I'd refer to the 2nd law of thermodynamics and say that energy is being aded to the system, so it tends to order. I'd also point to various flaws in humans and animals and say that was not an indication of creation. Then given the lack of evidence for the bible, I'd say that it is not a trustworthy source of information about god.

Back to your assertion, you are assuming that order implies a creator, which is not a valid assumption.
You are of course talking to ill-educated, gullible folk who will believe anything they are told.

They don't need evidence. Their God is real because that's what they were told.

Bless 'em.
Sorry but you fell at the first hurdle. A belief based on neither evidence nor reason is unjustified. It's as simple as that.
What you have there is called the Argument from Personal Incredulity. And it won't do.

Order does not suggest creation, it suggests underlying common-sense principles.

My presents are under the tree, which suggest the existence of Santa Claus.
If it's impossible to have facts, then it's impossible to have evidence.

I'd like to try to explain to my boss that a new drug has evidence that it is safe to the public without any facts.
The atheists in the best proof. If there were no God they would not need to deny him. Why are they so concerned bout the subject if there is nothing there. Deep inside they know, they just resent the act that they might have take second place.

Which one of them have overcome death or become so wise that they can create even a speck of dirt or explain why everything on earth has design.. They are doing exactly what God said they would do, read the book of Revelation! Romans Chapter one describes the atheist, thinking they are wise they became fools.
I tell you to put your faith in the FSM.

With His noodly appendages He made the trees, the mountain, and the midgit (in that order).

Order doesn't suggest creation. It suggests the existence of a set of laws that determine that order.

This also isn't a question.
how about you stop attacking other people and their religions and just go live happily understanding your own faith.
Evidence are things that can be seen, touched, tasted, smelled, or heard. No one has ever seen, heard, touched, smelled, or even tasted god!

Don't confuse "proof" and "evidence." No one can "prove" god. My problem is that no one bothers to offer evidence either.

You seem proud of your irrational decision to believe in god. Accepting something as true with out facts is irrational.
But you ARE suggesting blind faith, because there actually ISN'T any evidence, ironically. Just because there is order, doesn't mean there had to be some kind of cosmic designer. Just look at my question:;...

Life on Earth can be explained perfectly through natural, unintelligent processes: (I don't think I need to explain all that to you: you either understand it or you don't.)

Like 'SuperAtheist' said, you are providing an argument from personal incredulity, which doesn't constitute evidence; not even close. Man, why do you have to get us all excited? I thought someone was finally going to make a good point supporting creation. I'm not very impressed.

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