Thursday, December 10, 2009

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their

Last time they did this, and we said "yes".. they stayed for almost 6 months...and it got bad because they never paid for anything... pretty expensive having two grown "children".. Have to pay for more food, more gasoline, more electricity... They don't even say thanks when they leave!! and if they's sort of a "thanks..but it was your obligation anyway"... I'm tired of it..

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their feelings?performing arts center

Whether you say it in a nice tone or not, their feelings will get hurt. You are the man of the house, YOUR HOUSE. You need to put your foot down. It's hard having family stay with you, and they are freeloading off you, I know.

You really don't need an explanation because it's your house. Tell them and if they get upset, oh well. They need to learn how to fend for themselves, and stop interfering with your household.

Good Luck.

My parents want to come stay with me and my wife for a month, how can I say no without hurting their feelings?sunshine opera theater

You are not going to be able to avoid some hurt feelings, but you will be able to smooth things over.

Let your parents know that the last time they stayed over, your feelings were hurt and that you want to avoid the hurt in the future by not having them over for extended stays anymore.

Make some definite plans to do some things together when they do come to town to let them know that you have not stopped loving them it's just that you can't stay under the same roof.

Good luck!
tell them you are in the process of moving, but don't give them the new address
Tell them the truth. They are your parents after all, you should be able to talk to them. Tell them they are always welcome at your home and you love having them but things are a little tight and if they could help out a little it would be greatly appreciated. Good Luck
All things considered - they did that for their children and now you know what it's like --- laugh it off and enjoy your parents, they won't be around forever... also you and the wife can takeoff on the weekends - just say it was already planned and it can't be changed --- that will give you two chances to be away during those long stays....
told them that ur coming this time but dont go

if they come this time so dont give them much rest here and dont let them feel very well so they wont come again

but parents took care of u when u were a child they make u a young man now its time 4 u
It is kind of hard to say no to your parents. But just tell them that you and your wife are having problems and you need some time to work things out.
They raised you. Deal with it. They supported you for the first 18 years. They just miss you. Dont push your parents away. They want be around for ever.
Tell them you have rented out the guest room.
Yep .. been there done that ... my parents stayed with me for a "month" %26amp; that turned into 6 months.

It's hard since they're your parents and you want to make sure everyone is happy.

I think if you let them know how much it's going to hurt your household and your relationship with your wife ( not sure if it does .. but I can only imagine - I was single at the time so I didn't have to worry about a significant other )

Tell them financially it puts a burdon on you %26amp; your home. You can't risk your own responsibilities for their mistakes ( or whatever reasons they're living with you ) ...

Hope this helps a little .. and good luck I know exactly how you feel !
Just tell them up front that you are in no position financially to handle the extra expense of house guests. That you would love to see them but they will need to find other accommodations for their lodging. Then suggest a "lovely" hotel near by. Also let them know that your schedule may not be flexible enough for a full month, maybe they should consider a shorter stay like maybe a week so you will be able to free up your schedule to spend time with them. Be firm and do not make excuses to them as to the whys. Good luck, I don't envy your position.
Just tell them that their are come issues within your family right now and that it would not be a good idea for them to stay with you. Find them another place to stay as a suggestion...a nice Hotel etc...

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